Murray Bladwell advises that the annual Papua New Guinea Education colleagues and friends lunch is on again this year - scheduled for 12 noon, Saturday 14 October at the Jindalee Hotel, Sinnamon Road, Jindalee in Brisbane.

Challenge Last year a record 68 former PNG educators, partners and friends attended the event at which Gail Burke’s book, Meeting the Challenge, was launched. Copies of the book [left], about Australian teachers’ experiences in PNG, will be on sale at the lunch.

The cost of the lunch is the same as last year, $30 a head plus $2 a head to cover out of pocket expenses. A cash bar will be open in the private dining room. Meal payments are to be made by cash or cheque to Murray Bladwell on the day.

Could you please let Murray know if you can or cannot attend no later than Thursday 28 September. You can phone him on 07 3379 3771 or email him here.


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