The original Coronation Street

Laealogo Wendy Clarke, a student at Lae Primary A School (perhaps better known as Coronation Street) from 1955-62, has assembled a website including a brief history and nostalgic glimpses of the school as seen through the eyes of former pupils and, in one case, teacher Judy (Peters) Duggan. The site also contains a list of students from 1951-75 and many reminiscences and photos from the same era, Lae Primary commenced classes in 1951. It successor Coronation College continues to this day, although the original buildings were demolished in 1992 due to white ant damage.

Ross McDougall: “The school rugby league days will remain with me forever. Teams were determined by weight, as their age was unknown by many of our opposition. We had 5 and 6 stone teams and most matches we played at Bugandi High, losing somewhere in the vicinity of 30-nil...not good considering matches consisted of only 5 or 10 minute halves.”

Laea Judy Duggan: “I was a teacher at the school for 6 months, from June to December in 1962. It was my first year of teaching and I was not quite 19 years old. I taught Grade 2 in the class-room second from the end of the right side of the U shaped buildings, and I remember that the school dentist was visiting for a period during July and individual children were being called out for checks and treatment.”

Photo: the original Lae Primary A school building circa 1955


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Len Price

Wendy Phillips, if you could help me locate Julia Oslington it would be appreciated. Julia and her parents [me also] ate our meals in the Lae Club.

Also Rhoda Grey if you have her email. They both know me. Rhoda was very good friends with my father, Joe Price - they were horse lovers. I would love to contact both of these ex Lae-ites and hope you can help.

Len Price

Does anyone know what became of Julia Oslington who lived at Voco Point with her parents who were marine stevedores? She would be around 67 years old. Nice girl.

I would love to say hello on the phone or contact her by email. Lae had a wonderful vibrant economy in the early sixties.

I was there in 1964-65 as an electrician with South Pacific Timbers.

Wendy Clarke (nee Phillips)

Don't know where you got your information from, guys, but this is, in fact, my web site. Just got a message from Jim Dudgeon, who is quite upset over the mistake. For any ex-Lae residents who stumble across this page, we had an absolutely magic reunion on 1st October 2006 here in Brisbane. Attendees were 350 plus, all from pre-independence Lae-Markham Valley, and Jim Sinclair was our guest speaker. You can find out more about it, including who was there, by checking out my web site (see URL below (just click on my name).

Wendy Clarke nee Phillips
(resident of Lae PNG 1954-1967)

Joseph Crainean

It was mid 1956 that the Crainean family relocated from Wau to Lae. I was halfway through grade 6 and remember really struggling with fractions which I hadn't mastered yet. Nevertheless after successfully completing the year I was off to boarding school in Australia. My younger siblings David and Lili completed their primary schooling there before also heading "South". A highlight of the year was the production and filming of an interpretation of the song "Pedro the Fisherman" with Tony Gray as the hero. None of the teachers names spring to mind.

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