PNG ponders the Rudd ascendancy
We got on with the job and were grateful

From the archives - Ruth's wedding day

Wedding This wedding photograph from the Pacific Islands Monthly of July 1966 shows the celebrated ASOPA lecturer Dr Ruth Fink and her new husband Rev Sione Latukefu. The caption reads:

Most of Sydney’s Tongan community were at the wedding at Sydney University in June of the Rev Sione Latukesu (sic) and Dr Ruth Fink. The bridegroom’s parents came from Tonga for the ceremony. The couple plan to live in Tonga next year when the Rev Sione completes his PhD thesis at the Australian National University. Dr Fink is lecturer in anthropology at Sydney University. A Tongan choir sang at the Wesley College Chapel during the service and there was Tongan dancing at the big reception, which was attended by many academics from Sydney and Canberra. Chairman was the Rev CF Gribble, president-general of the Methodist Church of Australasia, who worked for many years in Tonga.

Sione Latukefu [1927-95], the son of an eminent Tongan theologian, was an expert on Tongan history and became a senior lecturer in history at the University of Papua New Guinea and a senior lecturer in Pacific history at the Australian National University. Ruth also taught at these universities.


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