Recollections of the Aitape-Wewak campaign
High performing Nasfund is a PNG success story

March magazine is with (most) subscribers

PNG ATTITUDE No 145 was despatched to most subscribers early this afternoon, although one group of 50 missed out due to an email glitch that will be remedied by tomorrow.

The eagle-eyed Loch Blatchford has also pointed out an error on page 17 where we mistakenly refer to Les Johnson as head of the Department of Territories when he was, in fact, still in PNG as Assistant Administrator (Services) under Administrator David Hay.

The March magazine is dedicated to Joe Wasia’s mother, who was buried in the hills beyond Wapenamanda yesterday. Joe wrote this month’s evocative lead story ‘PNG – too many dreams without meaning’, and credits the hard work of his mum and dad, both village people, for getting him through school and to university.

We send our condolences to the entire Wasia family, including the two girls in Grades 7 and 10.

If you’re not already a subscriber to PNG Attitude – The Magazine, email me here.

- Keith Jackson


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John Groenewegen

Thank you for PNG Attitude No 145.

Qua layout, juxtaposition of topics and quality of contributions, I would rate it as your best edition yet.

Qua tone, it was uplifting to read, among what sometimes seems an endless litany of sad stories, the positive prescriptions offered by Paul Oates (pp 23-24).

And Joe Wasia's front page was masterly.

With best wishes for a happy Easter.

Mary Jones

I read several blogs a day, but Keith Jackson's is a great blog site - and I do enjoy comments by writers such as Paul Oates, John Fowke, Reginald Renagi, Bruce Copeland and some of the ex PNG Kiaps.

I have told some of my friends about this blog and very much look forward to fresh stories and comments in future.

Joshua Kaijankoski

I've been reading your blog with great interest for several months now and I'd like to receive your magazine.

I'm a young missionary living in Bulolo. I first came to PNG in 1984 as a six-year-old and left in 1996 to pursue studies overseas. I've been back since January 2009.

Thanks for a great source of news and articles. Keep up the great work.

Charlie Thurgood

As a former PNG resident CDW (Commonwealth Department of Works), Hydrology Section, 1962-1974 and Contract Hydrologist 1974-78.

I still maintain an interest/dismay at what has happened to the country, so would appreciate being added to your subscripton list.

John Groenewegen

Reflecting on the contents of PNG Attitude, I found myself thinking about some of the Anthropology I absorbed at ASOPA, especially the phenomenon of the cargo cult.

Once the thought had taken root, I wondered to what extent, if any, there are cargo beliefs behind many of the problems chronicled in your newsletter.

In the January issue, for example, John Fowke (pp 12-13)refers to "the malaise which holds PNG in an iron grip"", which is as suggestive as it is vague.

Paul Oates (pp 14-15) outlines a process towards corrupt activity which might well be inspired or maintained by endemic cargo cult beliefs.

It would be interesting to know if there is any support from professional anthropologists for such a view. What little I know of cargo cults in PNG would certainly not rule out such beliefs persisting in the minds of Papua New Guineans long after the practice itself has ceased.

If there is any substance to these speculations, I wonder how many post-colonial generations it would take for cargoism to completely disappear from the PNG mind.

Patrick Scarle

Thank you for your latest newsletter, Keith. I always look forward to them even though they make me wonder why did we bother so much. But I’m sure if we hadn't, PNG would be a lot worse off than it is. We are all still optimistic.

Reginald Renagi

Thank you for my March newsletter. I have been very busy lately conducting several maritime training courses these past three months and will send a blog post or two when time permits. Keep up the good work.

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