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Maladina petition ceremony tomorrow

PNG’s COMMUNITY Coalition Against Corruption (CCAC) will present a petition opposing the Maladina Amendment to MP, Dr Allan Marat, at a ceremony in Port Moresby tomorrow [Tuesday] morning.

The ceremony will be held on Sir John Guise Drive in the open area opposite the Indonesian and Chinese embassies, uphill from National Library and Archives.

The presentation of petitions to Parliament will occur at 9.15 am and be preceded by a sermon and vigil to start at 8.45. The event will conclude at about 9.30.

CCAC says it “pleads with ordinary citizens of PNG to join us tomorrow in a peaceful assembly.”

It commended Metropolitan Police Superintendent Fred Yakasa for approving the event.

“We seek all Papua New Guineans outside the National Capital District to join us in prayer as we present the petition to our representatives of Parliament,” CCAC said in a statement.

“[This] represents the people's conscience and voice for the amendments to be reviewed with wider community consultation so they can be truly representative of what the people of PNG want.

“We seek everyone’s support and full cooperation tomorrow.

“The churches, NGOs, civil society, children and mothers [are] all concerned about certain aspects of the Maladina Amendment being detrimental to the Ombudsman Commission's effectiveness and leaders’ accountability to the people of PNG.”


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Don't feel too sorry for Marat. He's the one who settled the K15.5 million claim by businessman Peter Yama, when the prime minister and cabinet’s direction was to fight the claim in court and the Finance Inquiry declared Yama's compensation claim baseless.

Reginald Renagi

Today's (Wednesday 05th May) Front page headlines on the National newspaper says Marat is out meaning he has just being sacked by the PM as Chairman of NEC.

This is a result of Dr. Alan Marat's recent and much publicised public media statements about the LNG project. The brave MP is not openly saying it will result in the resource-owners and people getting just crumbs from their resources, with the lion's share going to the foreign companies and offshore.

Dr. Marat is the first government MP fed up with all the lies given to the people to now come out openly in public. The government leader shows he does not really want the public to ever know the truth. This has now cost Dr. Marat his Ministerial job as the Justice Minister and Attorney General. We now need more MPs to come out directly and do the same thing as Dr. Marat.

The least PM Somare and his government can do is keep sacking them. This will quickly build up the opposition, or middle-bench numbers of unhappy pollies to challenge the government further in parliament.

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