Do nothing, change nothing: that’s the truth
Bureaucrats idle as Chimbu culture trashed

More emphasis needed on public health


THE OCCURRENCE of outbreaks of disease like the current cholera epidemic would be much lower if public health was given the top priority in the health sector.

The outbreak of cholera and dysentery in Morobe Province that spread to the highlands and Madang is now reaching other parts of the country.

Port Moresby has reported five deaths and 35 people under observation.

Cholera and diseases like HIV/AIDS impact the whole nation because public health has never received the attention it deserved.

Almost two-thirds of the population is poor - living in remote areas without basic services like health, education and roads. If contagious diseases reach these places, they can wipe out whole populations.

Prevention is better than cure, but the government is failing to prevent. It must pump more money into public health and not just into hospitals, because having a good public health system can prevent diseases from occurring.

Until now, much money and effort have been put into health care facilities ahead of public health and that is beginning to tell.

There is a need for many more public health promotion programs and environmental health activities.

The government must put more effort and resources into public health and get the balance with clinical health right.


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