Petition was example of democracy at work
Australia ignores good advice from PNG

PNG economy needs to diversify & deepen


PNG needs to diversify its economy. The government must plan now to look well beyond the minerals boom.

The way to do it is to analyse future patterns of economic growth and opportunity, and adapt innovative approaches to financing, building, operations and wealth creation for our people.

More importantly; the government must be serious about diversifying the economy and put the whole nation to work, revitalising itself and the private sector.

PNG has some of the world's richest natural resources. The country's natural beauty, culture and lifestyle could make it a great place to live, work, visit and do business. Yet, since independence, successive governments at all levels have mismanaged our assets and squandered many good opportunities.

The consequences are widespread and increasing unemployment and underemployment, low incomes, high taxation, substantial urban migration, below-standard services, and a big national debt.

I believe one of parliament's key future objectives is to commit its resources towards these key areas of national concern aimed at achieving sustainable development.

A bipartisan growth plan is needed with clear strategies to transform PNG into a prosperous, progressive and united country. These strategies must be reviewed periodically to target areas that will grow our economy, create jobs and support small business.

PNG is well overdue in reforming its political system, getting the economic fundamentals right and meaningfully rewarding people for working hard for their country.

An important issue is to place greater emphasis on all our people getting greater benefits from the development of their natural resources.

To create a stable and secure country, every citizen must be fully committed to rebuild the nation. The government must develop a realistic plan and adopt a new leadership approach to bring about this major change.

The strategy must target growth in small and medium business, tourism, information technology, fisheries, forestry and agriculture. The country’s growth strategy must also strengthen government structures, and cabinet decision-making processes.

The pace of technological development has become so rapid that if we do not keep up, we are bound to miss the boat. This will result in us losing the economic war without even fighting.

The new PNG leadership approach must be aware of this double-edged global threat. There are basically two options for the future: we adapt or, highly uncompetitive, we die.


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