To reach altitude PNG needs right attitude
07 May 2010
Comparing PNG with
other countries, you see a nation very rich in natural resources but very poor
in development.
The 2008 survey by World Bank showed PNG is one of the ten most poor and corrupt nations in the world.
The difference between rich and poor nations is not the
age of the country. Places like
On the other hand, countries like
The difference between rich and poor does not reside in available natural resources.
Race and skin colour are also irrelevant. Its not that we are rated poor because Papua New Guineans are black or Australians rich because they are white.
What is the difference? It is the attitude of the people, framed down the years by education and culture.
On analysing the behaviour of people in rich and developed countries, it is found that the great majority follow nine basic principles: 1) ethics 2) integrity 3) responsibility 4) respect for laws and rules 5) respect for rights of other citizens 6) work loving 7) strive for saving and investments 8) will of supper action, and 9) punctuality.
When comparing these principles with the attitude of Papua New Guineans, there is a big difference. Almost all of us never follow these nine basic principles in our daily lives.
We are not poor because we lack natural resources or because the government is failing us. We are poor because we lack ‘attitude’.
Every individual needs to comply with these nine functional principles and change our attitudes because it is attitude that will take PNG to higher altitude.
Yes, definitely.
Posted by: Kaiam Bees | 11 May 2010 at 05:38 PM
I read something like this about one yearr ago and, of all the articles I have had to read for uni, this one has been the stand out.
It made me realise why PNG is how it is, and why a change of attitude is not easy; impossible in one generation.
Always you hear people say PNG has an attitude problem, but they don't elaborate on what is attitude, or break it down to what behaviours need to be changed. And there is no acknowledgement of how this attitude has come about.
It is a long process to change a whole generation's attitude. Formal qualifications and education are really only a small part of what influences a persons attitude.
These are just my thoughts.
Posted by: Weast | 08 May 2010 at 12:18 PM