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Petition seeks to overturn land rights rip-off


A PETITION on the Act Now! website, which is trying to get PNG’s Parliament to overturn amendments to the Environment Act, has now reached 500 signatories, and organisers are appealing for more.

They’re asking that people who oppose the changes sign the online petition here.

In late May, the Parliament passed amendments to the Environment Act that contradict PNG’s national goals and undermine the Constitution.

The amendments were passed by Parliament with no prior disclosure; no consultation with interested parties or the wider community; and were not subject to any scrutiny or debate by MPs.

The amendments remove the rights of PNG citizens and give extraordinary privileges to foreign corporations.

Specifically, they:

·         Give the Environment Secretary power to grant environmental approvals without consultation.

·         Remove the need to comply with rules or processes set out in the Act.

·         Remove rights to challenge the decision in any court or tribunal.

·         Remove common law or statutory rights to sue for any damage.

These amendments are oppressive and dangerous because they:

·         Remove landowners' legal and customary rights to be consulted and approve activities on their land.

·         Remove a citizen's democratic right to challenge executive decisions through the courts.

·         Give immunity to foreign companies from liability for environmental damage, even where it is caused unlawfully or negligently.

·         Undermine PNG's national goals and Constitutional rights.

PNG Attitude encourages all readers to consider adding their names to the petition here.


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Effrey Dademo

I'd thought to write and say a thank you.

We appreciate your support in helping to spread the word of the petition to reverse amendments to the environmental act 2000.

If you have any ideas on how we can further spread the word on this petition, please let us know.

We are also open to ideas on how we can make ACT NOW effective in it's mission and therefore any such thoughts will also be appreciated.


The Attorney General yesterday issued a 'Ministerial Edict' to all PNG media which prohibits further discussion or reporting of the Environment Act changes which it claims are subjudice. It states there will be...

* no more discussion, comment or reference in the media to Environment Act amendments
* no talk back radio programs or interviews
* no more advertisements
* no more letters to the editor
* no more protest meetings
* no public demonstrations, and
* no public marches.

... otherwise the media responsible will be in contempt of court.

I see 'The National' and the 'Post-Courier' ignored this edict in yesterday's editions.

Also the edict is addressed to "the General Public", so shouldn't they have served it on the whole population (around 5.5 million at last count)?

It actually states "your right to freedom of expression is now subsumed into this court case."

Maybe the Attorney-General has a few too many trigger happy junior lawyers with not enough to do.

More information at Nancy Sullivan and PNG Blogs sites.

Robin Lillicrapp

Be on the lookout for what is not obvious. On the face of it, it would appear as if a loss of rights, etc, as in common or statutory law is the issue.

It may be but the tip of the iceberg as the globalist agenda to promote "sustainability" as they intend it, rolls on. We thought perhaps that, after Copenhagen, the ETS and kindred carbon trading issues had subsided.

So they did, but around the world, plans by climate-change aficionados are being reawakened wherein the issues of sequestration of forests and lands is once more a looming issue.

Carbon trading has been an emergent issue in PNG's recent past. Look out for it again only this time as a process designed to be unencumbered by property rights and land owner compensation issues.

The historic roots of the present consternation in PNG re the passing of the parliamentary bill threatening the abrogation of rights may be found in such documents as 'Agenda 21'. These are not of local derivation but follow a global theme, now echoing across the worlds nations; both large, and small.

Agenda 21, adopted in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 at the UN Conference on Environment and Development, has had profound influence on public policy. The objective of this document is to integrate environmental protection, economic development, and social equity under the management of global authorities.

What is Agenda 21 and sustainable development? Michael Shaw is a lawyer and owns 'The Liberty Garden', a nature retreat that specialises in native California plants. He explains how US Federal, State and Local governments are using collectivisation to usurp rights under the Declaration of Independence.

He also tells people how to prepare for the possibility of the crumbling of the American fiat money system. When you understand the goals of Agenda 21 and sustainable development, you can expose them and rid it from your community.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s02gk0HjdiM (7 minute video clip)

The UN's Agenda 21 is supposedly all about environmentalism and stopping the destruction of earth by humans. The fact of the matter is Agenda 21 and sustainable development are more than likely not about the environment at all.

They are ways in which a world government can be set up, and can basically control the people of the world by confining them to "smart growth zones" and controlling what they can and cannot do.

Understand the game plan behind the cap and trade scheme by looking at the implications of the AB 32 ‘Scoping Plan’. The scoping plan uses scare tactics based on false science. In California, for example, AB 32, the cap and trade scheme, relies on local governments (“essential partners”) as they have broad influence and the authority to plan, zone, approve and permit where land is developed.

This will impact the following sectors: transportation, housing, industry, forestry, water, agriculture, electricity and natural gas, with rules based on man made global warming lies.

One of AB 32’s top priorities is transportation - with three types of regulations: vehicle emissions, carbon content in fuel and, most importantly, reduction in the number of miles that vehicles travel.

In other words, collectivists want us out of our cars and walking, biking or using public transport, to increase their control (p 71).

As these implications manifest themselves upon the PNG scene, at least the efforts of concerned and aware citizens may thwart if not halt the corrupting influence of these corrupt political strategies.

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