Robin McKay, planter and coastwatcher
12 August 2010
ROBIN MCKAY, who had
been a Coastwatcher on New Britain in 1942 and also served in Wewak with
Z-Special Force, died last Saturday at the grand age of 93.
He lived in PNG from the mid 1930s to 1964 and was well
known in
With his wife Laurie, who died in 1997, Robin established a beautiful home and the couple were known for their great hospitality and keen interest in the RSL and other community activities.
Later, the McKay's home in Alstonville NSW became a popular port of call for many former PNG residents.
Robin McKay had taken over Aropa Plantation fromWM Greer who first tendered for Aropa from the Expropriation Board in 1927.
He eventually sold the plantation to the New Guinea Biological Foundation.
His funeral, with RSL involvement, will be held in Lismore tomorrow.
I am trying to locate Robyn's daughters as I was married to Nick Jackson, Robyn's sister's son, and my son would love to get in touch with his cousins. I thank you for any information you can give me.
Posted by: Jill Jackson | 22 January 2025 at 11:27 AM
Thank you for the tribute to my father, Robin McKay.
His funeral was a dignified affair, combining grandchildren's memories and Returned Services Remembrance.
Mike Dennis MBE gave a beautiful eulogy combining the mateship and long-term friendship of his father, Peter (ex-New Guinea and Z-Special Force), and Dad.
Posted by: Jan Grose | 18 August 2010 at 07:50 PM