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Independence of judiciary is now in question

Prosecutor sacked after PM allegations


THE PUBLIC PROSECUTOR who launched a case of alleged misconduct against Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare has been sacked for "not performing".

PNG's Attorney-General Sir Arnold Ahmet has announced that public prosecutor Jim Tamate will not have his contract renewed.

"Principally in the assessment, it is a matter of performance and leadership of the public prosecutor," Sir Arnold told a press conference. "We were not satisfied with his performance".

The sacking has angered the opposition who last year repeatedly tried to move a vote of no-confidence against the government. Former deputy prime minister Puka Temu said the sacking was highly political.

"Why the revocation at the time when he referred the PM? This office is responsible in prosecuting the PM, if a tribunal is constituted by the chief justice, with this new appointment from East Sepik, everything might be compromised," he said.

Outspoken opposition MP Sam Basil said it was a "sad day" for PNG. "Is it not an attempt to send a message to anybody who will be handling the PM's case to be wary of their own fate?" he said.

Spotter: Bob Lawrence


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Jeremiah Ten

The rule of law is now tested for endurance in PNG when the Constitution of the Independent State of PNG is questioned and the institutions of the Constitution are disrespected.

I am praying that God ends this decay in man’s ethics and morality. Is it for the love of money or for pleasure? Learned men have succumbed to the systematic rot and decay of their mental faculties.

I find my country’s leaders fail the “reasonable persons test”, especially the Prime Minister and his Minister for Justice and Attorney General, in allowing their God-given intellect to perform this act of malice.

The once prosperous PNG has now declined into a beleaguered country, perhaps only fit for the government and its coalition partners.

My voice is not heard in Parliament. My mandated leaders fail me miserably by not speaking up against all this rot. Who else can?

The Member for Bulolo may sound the bell but is he really feeling the pinch as those in his electorates down the Wafi Creek. I think not.

The Flame, Noel Ango, is no more to be heard. All is but silence. Oh God help my soul in this time of distress.

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