Was present 'disaster' the fault of kiaps?

Sickening threats against PNG political icon

POLITICS IN PNG entered a dangerous new phase yesterday when crusading parliamentarian Sam Basil revealed he had received a number of emails threatening his wife will be raped and children strangled if he continues to speak out.

Mr Basil has been a vociferous critic of the government on corruption and governance issues and has assisted landowners take legal action against the Hidden Valley mine over the pollution of the Watut River.

The sickening emails were sent from an anonymous yahoo address created under the name ‘Borit Yaken’.

Mr Basil is widely admired by Papua New Guineans for his refusal to stay silent on the tough issues - something most MPs seem afraid to address.

In July last year Prime Minister Somare threatened to kill Mr Basil over his criticism of government tactics of continually adjourning Parliament to avoid a vote of no confidence.

Here is the text of one of the emails received by Mr Basil in all of its ugly malice:

Wed, 16 February, 2011 11:45:57 AM

RE: Playing with fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Borit Yaken <[email protected]>    

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Sam Basil




DONT THINK THEY ARE SAFE AT 14 MILE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Reginald Renagi

Icarus is right. If PNGeans want to see a big change in future, then something's got to give.

Blood will eventually be spilt unless people in their 'ivory towers' stop, listen and do something about putting in a better system for PNG.

Because the PM and the crooks who work for him in the government, who think the people will not take up arms, will one fine morning get a very rude awakeing.

History has many examples of people oppressed for so long doing something very drastic to get the attention they deserve.

Let's hope PM Somare starts listening to the plight of the people in the twilight stage of his political career, lest the whole thing blow up in his face one day soon.

It's now a matter of time before something happens if the leadership continues to remain arrogant and takes the whole nation and people for granted.


Sam Basil make these threats known to the entire nation. We must see where Papua New Guineans stand.

I have yet to see a Papua New Guinean man bleed for his country. Should we look forward to this day?

An ignorant and foolish people should read the Christian Bible that they so proudly say they adhere to, and find out what their final destiny will be.

Barbara Short

The sooner PNG gets an Independent Commission Against Corruption the better.

Sam Basil needs his "Bully Beef Club", his band of similar thinking strong-minded individuals, to stand up to these sort of people.

Good must triumph over evil!

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