Coming PNG-related events
PNG pushes to become leading fish processer

Abal moves to quash Somare death rumour

PNG’s ACTING prime minister Sam Abal has been forced to deny a rumour that Sir Michael Somare has died.

At the weekend, a rumour that the prime minister had died spread rapidly throughout PNG.

Sir Michael, 75, is in intensive care in a Singapore hospital after undergoing heart surgery last month.

As the rumour intensified, Mr Abal called a media conference to dispel it as malicious gossip.

“He's still in the ICU and at any time, in a day or so, we expect him to move out of the ICU area,” he said.

Mr Abal also said there should be a decision soon on the Australian government's request to establish a regional processing centre for asylum seekers on Manus Island.

Source: Australian Broadcasting Corporation


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