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Team reviews PNGDF air transport wing

A TEAM OF NINE Australian army and air force personnel and two New Zealand air force engineers are working with their PNGDF counterparts to conduct a review of the PNDF’s Air Transport Wing (ATW).

The review focuses on command and control procedures, flying standards, safety standards, and maintenance arrangements.

PNDF commander, Brigadier General Agwi, ordered the review to ensure the ATW is as ready as possible to meet the government’s expectations for support as well as unanticipated requirements such as a need to provide humanitarian assistance.

The visit by the eleven-person team follows a visit by two senior RAAF officers last month, to help refine the syllabus and select candidates for PNG-funded basic flying training commencing in Australia shortly.

The Australian Defence Department is working with the US State Department to finalise gifting surplus helicopter parts for maintenance of a PNGDF ‘Huey’ helicopter.

Australia is also exploring the possibility of making some places available for ATW technicians to train at RAAF bases in Australia.

Source: Australian High Commission


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