Nasfund responds to cowardly blog attacks
The papaya or pawpaw – well worth growing

Papa I Tok


An entry in The Crocodile Prize

Ol papa I lukim pinis

Taim nogut bai I kam
Graun ba I sot, na wara ba I pinis
Ol papa I lukim pinis

Ol lapun ba indai
Na haus man bai I nogat moa
Ol papa I lukim pinis

Kain kain sik bai I kam
Ol pisin lukautim bai I go hait
Ol papa I lukim pinis

Sitori bilong yumi bai dai
Na pasin tumbuna bai I lus
Ol papa I lukim pinis

Pasin wanbel bai ronowe
Koros na pait bai brukim mipela
Ol papa I lukim pinis

Taim nogut i kam pinis
Na tok tok bilong ol i stap laip


Fathers Have Spoken

Our fathers have seen it

Bad times are ahead
Land scarce, water gone
Our fathers have seen it

The old people will die
Men’s houses will be gone
Our fathers have seen it

Many illnesses will come
The birds will disappear
Our fathers have seen it

Our stories will be gone
Our traditions disappear
Our fathers have seen it

Tribal harmony escapes us
Arguments and fights divide us
Our fathers have seen it

Bad times have arrived
But our words survive

Translation by Keith Jackson

Lapieh Landu (22) was born in Port Moresby of mixed Eastern Highlands, Milne Bay and Sandaun parentage.  She is a student at Divine Word University studying international relations.  Lapieh has been writing poetry on a wide range of topics since she was a Year 8 student


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David Kitchnoge

Very refreshing to read a poem in Tok Pisin. Congratulations, Lapieh. Well done!

Reaching out to a majority of our people with our messages is crucial in changing some of our negative mind sets and behaviour and bringing about positive change in our society.

Perhaps all contributions to the Pukpuk Resis which will be published in the Post-Courier should also carry their Tok Pisin translations.

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