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Donor support secured for rural health project


AUSTRALIA, THE Asian Development Bank and other key donors have teamed up in a massive project to help Papua New Guinea improve the quality of its rural health system.

The donors are supporting an $81.2 million rural primary health project, which aims to refurbish 128 health centres, build 32 community health posts and provide housing for 224 health workers in rural communities.

Australia is providing a $40 million grant and the ADB a $20 million loan for the project.

The OPEC Fund for International Development has also committed $9 million, while the World Health Organisation and the Japan International Cooperation Agency are respectively providing $1 million and $1.2 million worth of in-kind grants.

Aside from funding for the project, Australia said it would provide an additional $24 million dollars to purchase medical supplies for rural health centres and posts.

Source: Devex, 3 October


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