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Mr O’Neill – it’s high time to kick out the old dogs


THIS SOVEREIGN NATION will go down on its knees once again if so called ‘old dogs’ and their political parties intermarry with the People’s National Congress to form the next government.

The people of Papua New Guinea don’t want the National Alliance, People’s Progress Party and People’s Democratic Movement to align with caretaker prime minister Peter O’Neill’s PNC to form the next government.

Instead we want Don Polye’s THE Party, Namah’s PNG Party, Duma’s United Resources Party and O’Neill’s PNC with other smaller parties and Independents to form the next government to take this struggling nation forward.

You know why these “old dogs”, including the fathers of PNG politics, came to join PNC right after the declarations of polls? They know. They know exactly what’s going to happen to them later.

They know if they are in opposition, the next government will uncover all their corrupt practices during their terms as CEOs of this country.

Incumbent prime minister O’Neill has failed so badly when he accepted these old and recycled leaders who have done nothing to take the country forward in the last 38 years since independence.

O’Neill should invite only THE, PNG, URP, other smaller parties and independents to form a government that will unveil the wrongs made by those corrupt leaders.

Here are list of few: the Indonesia saga, Julian Moti affair, $300 million Cayman Island deal, privatizations, Sandline Crisis, selling off 50% of B-mobile telecommunication, establishment of Petromin PNG… There are many more examples of this kind.

Anyway, PNG is the land of unexpected so let’s wait and see.

Anything may happen in the last minute before the Governor General advises the political party with the biggest number to form the next government.

If these old dogs remain in the next government, it’s going to represent a very dark moment for this nation.


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Joe Wasia

If the O'Neill-Dion Government wants to offer more transparency, they must clear the unresolved issues like the Indonesia saga, Julian Moti affair, $300 million Cayman Island deal, privatisations, Sandline Crisis, selling off 50% of B-mobile telecommunication, establishment of Petromin PNG.

They cannot walk away from them.

Joe Wasia

David, that's right. It's one the many reasons why these old dogs join the PNC Party.

David Wall

Joe - This piece by Hamish McDonald lends a lot of weight to your general argument:


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