Indon president weighs in on Djoko extradition saga
28 July 2012
AWARE OF THE FACT that Indonesia has no extradition treaty with Papua New Guinea, the Indonesian government says it will capitalize on its good diplomatic relations with PNG to lobby for the return of fraud convict Djoko Tjandra.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said the government meant business when it said it wanted to bring Djoko [shown right at his trial] home and he applauded the efforts of law enforcement agencies to achieve that goal.
“Find him, arrest him and bring him back to the country,” President Yudhoyono exclaimed on Wednesday.
He said all fugitives in graft cases should be repatriated and forced to return all the money they had stolen from the state.
Deputy Attorney-General Darmono said the government expected to hear soon from the PNG government concerning Djoko’s status.
Darmono said the PNG government was now relying on the Indonesian Ambassador to obtain information about the convict.
Djoko was convicted of misusing Bank Indonesia Liquidity Support funds. He fled to PNG one day before the Supreme Court sentenced him to prison for fraud in 2009.
The court sentenced both Djoko and former Bank Indonesia governor Syahril Sabirin to two years’ imprisonment and ordered Djoko to pay $57.7 million in restitution.
Djoko reportedly secured PNG citizenship last month.