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Currency colonialism: Kina is our economy’s heart, not a plaything


Kina ShellPAPUA NEW GUINEANS have paid scant regard to their currency, and its value, for far too much time. Most people have left it as a subject in the sole domain of central bankers and economists. Others have left it to the bureaucrats in the Finance or Treasury departments.

Our politicians (except for Hon Garry Juffa) seem to think the Bank of PNG knows what it is doing, and that what happens to the currency has little or no impact on the wider economy of PNG and the welfare of the people.

There is a malaise of serious disconnect that exists between the Prime Minister’s Office and what is happening in the Central Bank that is tasked with managing the currency. The buck inevitably stops with the prime minister.

The proper management of the currency and the maintenance of its value has everything to do with good government.

The issue of whether a government is governing the nation well or not has to do with the how it maintains both the macro and the micro aspects of our economy.

At the heart of this function is the maintenance of our currency at a stable and respectable value, taking into account variables like imports and exports, expenditure, capital outflows and similar relevant activities.

Villagers who innocently go about growing yam or taro or broccoli to sell at market do not realise that the government’s management of the currency directly impacts on their ability to meet expenses for the basic necessities of life.

The public servant on fixed wages, or the security guard on minimum wages, feeding a large family, do not realise that what this meagre wage can buy depends on the government’s management of the economy. And at the heart of the economy is the currency.

The businessman importing or exporting goods and commodities is all too aware of the impact of the currency, as it plays out in exchange rates, on his business.

A higher kina value relative to the Australian dollar, the US dollar and the Euro helps businesses paying for imports in those currencies, as they don’t need to fork out too many kina,.

A lower kina value assists exporters as their return in US or Australian dollars multiplies in kina receipts.

The village farmer who grows broccoli goes to the market and sells broccoli. In the afternoon, on their way home, they realise they make the family meal for the night, so they buy a packet of rice and a tin of fish, only to realise the prices are way too much, and there is no change left to take home.

Not much to show for all those months of labour in the broccoli garden. It all goes in one meal.

The next time, the farmers gets smart; they increase the price of a single sprig of broccoli to double what it was previously. The innocent security guard on fixed wages goes to the market, only to find that the broccoli is just as expensive as the imported store goods.

In the past the security guard’s wife used to sell buai and loose cigarettes outside their shared home to supplement their income. However, since the city‘s bans on such hawkers, they can’t make ends meet. The adults go without meals and have one meal a day, but what about the babies and children.

Our currency is no longer a subject for bureaucrats and politicians to discuss and deal with behind closed doors. We can no longer ignore it or pretend it does not impact on the common citizen, or even the serious businessman.

For far too long, we have allowed banks and a few interested individuals to manipulate it and make mountains of money to the disadvantage of the common citizen.

If anyone compares the level of disparity between the buying and the selling rate of the kina against any currency in the world, this disparity, and the margins our commercial banks like BSP, Westpac and ANZ are making is nothing short of criminal.

Sometimes I wonder why our Police chase after common thieves on the streets who are stealing to buy food to survive in this city while the commercial bankers who steal so much from the people under the guise of legitimacy get away scot free.

All because of a Central Bank Governor and his text book economists, and equally ignorant politicians who have lost touch with the daily gruelling realities of our people.

Crime in any community does not pay. However, we have some people stealing small things to make ends meet and feed their families, while those who are stealing big time under the guise of legitimacy, like banks and bankers, are stealing for that next overseas holiday or the third property to add to their portfolio, or for their annual returns and the balance sheet to look great.

A large proportion of commercial banks’ profit margins are directly contributed to by foreign currency trading on buy and sell rates, with margins that would not be allowed in any other country in the world.

The commercial banks and their annual profit margins in this country are equally criminal.

In no other country in the world would they be allowed to get away with what the commercial banks get away with in this country. They are feeding off the misery of the people, and the Central Bank does not have the capability to properly regulate their fees structures, currency margins, and profit margins, to properly serve this nation.

In this regard, there is a serious need for an independent Banking Ombudsman with powers to regulate some of the functions and ameliorate on behalf of bank customers and common people.

The kina is admittedly a low band currency, and outside this country and aside from our trading partners, only few people speculate or even trade in it.

We are an import oriented and an import dependent nation. Our exports are predominantly by big foreign owned companies. Very few exporters are PNG citizen owned. For example in the agri-forestry sector where our citizens participate in exports, our biggest exporters are mainly foreign owned, with a slice of 90% of the business.

The fisheries sector is 95% is foreign owned. The mining and petroleum sector is almost 95% foreign owned and operated. Most of the money coming into this country is used in extractive activity, to extract resources out of this country to the ultimate benefit of people who don’t live in this country, or who will one day retire with their wealth elsewhere.

For far too long the government has paid scant regard to the currency, and its relative value.

In the right political hands, it is a great tool to enrich this nation and prosper Papua New Guineans, but we have the fools and the blind trying to lead a nation of the compliant, the complacent and those who simply are not in a position to know.

Politicians spend as if there is no tomorrow, without any regard for the health of foreign reserves and the inverse effect of spending on the currency.

How can the simple security guard on fixed wages, and the mother growing broccoli in the village, love admire and adore their political leaders when they have clearly failed the people?

There are many ways to address a sliding currency. One is to peg the currency. This is not a new discussion. We have had many talks about a regional currency that have come to naught.

The issue of a sliding currency is an urgent one. We have heard many calls in the past for pegging it, and some against it. Those against it always use export revenue as a basis of dissuading bankers and finance ministers.

However, that argument is a fallacy as most of Papua New Guinea’s export sector is foreign owned and foreign controlled. Those against it have their own agenda.

As I said before, we are a high import dependent country. Until the day we change that imbalance, until the day we produce basic food items locally and cheaply, and increase the real value of our people’s wages and salaries, we have to address the slide in the currency by pegging it to help the people.

A deliberate decision needs to be made now to peg our currency to either the Australian dollar, our major trading partner’s currency, or another stable currency.

We have too much currency colonialism with far too many of our resources being ripped out by exporters or people on foreign currency salaries without much recompense in real value back to our people who have to struggle to meet their daily needs.

What we are paid in kina buys very little imported food and goods while foreigners live well on the back of our resources.

Our politicians must cease being silent audiences or ignorant participants in this systematic rip off.

Enough is enough, Mr Prime Minister. You can live well and jet all over the world, but what about the rest of us? Peg our currency, and give us true value now.


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Kelvin Natata

Gabriel Ramoi would have been correct if he and his fellow countryman could grow enough rice and vegetables at very low cost to feed themselves.

If a plate of rice and any abus cost say 20 toea to come by then you are quite correct Mr Ramoi.

You currently cannot feed your cities at that price. Instead you are import dependent.

Your agri-industry is dominated by large foreign owned players whose earnings in kina go offshore (as dividends, if not already transfer priced).

Former leaders like Gabriel Ramoi live in a dream world. They were misguided into floating the kina and are directly responsible for the condition of their people today.

Gabriel Ramoi

PNG does not need a strong kina. It needs kina at around 0.33 to the US$ and it needs the government to refocus on agriculture for export and for subsistence to avoid the curse of Dutch Disease which will invade the economy post 2014.

Paul Yabob

If Peter O'Neill does not peg the kina or even do as much to place it in a basket of currencies of our trading partners to urgently curb this slide, he condemns a whole nation to poverty.

It must take deliberate government action, and it must be done now. Otherwise we will lose all our resources and we will continue to live like beggars on the streets of our own country.

The executive government must take corrective action, and it must be done now! It is foolish, taking everything into account, at this stage of the country's development with so much of our resources being exported, and with very little wage increase, high imports and high inflation resulting from the resources "boom", to keep the kina floating.

Dr Pohon is on the money!

Joe Wasia

Well said

William Dunlop

Sir Julius Chan, when prime minister in the 1970s to 1980s well knew the value of a strong kina...

1 Kina = $1.60 Aus = $2.00 NZ

Mrs Barbara Short

I remember back in the 1980s when I was leaving PNG I found a bunch of my former Economics students from Keravat up in the PNG Reserve Bank setting the PNG exchange rate using a trade weighted index.

That was back in the days before most currencies were "floated" and allowed to move up and down each day as people traded in them.

I'm not sure what PNG does these days but I guess it has floated the Kina. So all these people who are blaming O'Neill for the fall in the Kina haven't got a clue.

But the Governor of the Reserve/Central Bank should be a well educated fellow who could surely speak out and try to do something to help solve the problems that are having a devastating effect on the poor citizens of PNG.

Phil Fitzpatrick

Dr Pohon makes a hell of a lot of sense in this article.

And, as usual, it all comes down to the idiot people supposedly running the country. To quote him, "we have the fools and the blind trying to lead a nation of the compliant, the complacent and those who simply are not in a position to know".

Any responsible government with half a heart for its people would have pegged the kina years ago.

Robin Lillicrapp

I contend that too many believe that government's control currency.

They may certainly give the appearance of doing so by things they say, and things they suggest to do.

For me, it became a clearer picture when I began to understand the role central banks play in the now long established global banking matrix.

Historian, G. Edward Griffin, gives a comprehensive outline of the genesis of the Reserv Banking system in his clasic :

In any case, PNG is not alone in her circumstances. As time goes by, more and more countries are tending to implode under the weight of indebtedness spawned by the banking methodology.

This thrives under the ability afforded by a systematic unraveling of traditional land rights and rural based economies in favour of contained population centres whereby commerce exploits the lack of basic sustainability models through imported food supplies and supposed provision of social services.

Thus is the "outcome" of Free-Market-Economics, a planned contrivance by the world of economics all so clearly revealed by Naomi Klein's classic: Shock doctrine- The Rise Of disaster Capitalism.

It shows the depth and degree our our complicity in all of this that we don't see rural based economies affording us a sustainable food supply.

Instead, we uncomprehendingly bolster the myth of progress by political solution, and pragmatic industrial evolution asserting that if we establish commercial zones to process (by our own cheap labour) local resources for overseas consumption then somehow we are better off.

Somehow, I think it has all gone too far to turn back without divine intervention.

At least in that area our supplications are assured of a hearing for the political world is as deaf as a post.

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