New Lae facility supports survivors of family & sexual violence
Meanwhile, the trees keep falling....

Forgotten People

Village of the Bisonio peopleJIMMY DREKORE

An entry in The Crocodile Prize
Kina Securities Poetry Award

There is no hospital
There is no aid post
There is no road
There is no school
But there are people

Where do mothers give birth?
Where is the medicine for the sick?
What do they wear?
What about education?
These are my people

They carry the sick through the jungles
If dead they are buried in the jungles
Children are given birth in the jungles
If dead they are buried in the jungles
These are my people

Families are washed away
When crossing rivers
Pregnant mothers are sent away
To bear under the trees
These are my people

No one hears their cries
No one sees their tears
Not all will see tomorrow

They live under the canopy
My forgotten people


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Corney Korokan Alone

There is no common sense
There are no people of faith
There is no thought for tomorrow
There are no long-term thinking people
There is no shame for accepting bribery
There is no guilt for peddling in bribery
There is no action oriented churches
But there is a God, waiting for people of conscience to mobilize and take action

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