The two best friends, Mekeo & Roro
The most commented & liked articles in June’s PNG Attitude

If I Could


An entry in The Crocodile Prize
Kina Securities Award for Poetry

If I could write music
It would be the tune that sank Titanic

If I could write a song
It would be the lyric that brought forth tears

If I could sing a love song
It would be a melody sweet to unite us

If I could paint a picture
It would be a painting to reflect you forever

If I could dream dreams
It would be you who fills them

If I could work miracles
It would be for us to be together

If I could go seven years back
It would be for us to start all over

If I could sniff a scent
It would be your fragrance that I smell

If I could make one last wish
It would be to bring you back to my arms

If I could make time kinder
It would be long enough for us to love

If I could read the secrets of your mind
It would be fair for me to make it up to you

If I could get another chance to love you
It would be the opportunity for me to prove it

If someone could mend a broken heart
It would be you, only you


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John Kaupa Kamasua

I'd say lovely and moving
timely especially when Christmas is around

Naomi Paiyesi

That is a beautiful poem. I cannot describe how I felt.

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