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142 posts from October 2014

After 70 years the jungle gives up the remains of Buddy Young

Jungle in PNG near where remains were foundJENN GIDMAN | Newser

HERBERT ‘Buddy’ Young's family says he was scheduled to come home after putting in 300 combat-mission hours when he substituted as co-pilot in a B-24 bomber called ‘Hot Garters’ on 10 April 1944.

The plane was shot down over the jungles of Papua New Guinea and for more than 70 years, Young was missing in action.

His wife was two months pregnant when he was shipped overseas; and his now-71-year-old daughter, Diana Young Long, received the closure she was looking for all these years when her dad's remains were found in March this year.

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Allegations of cover up on northern Australia TB numbers

Yam Island's Councillor Getano LuiANIKA HUME | The Cairns Post

ALLEGATIONS of a cover-up have been levelled at Queensland Health after the Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service recorded four cases of TB in 2013. Anecdotal evidence suggests the current number is much higher.

Health Minister Lawrence Springborg has been told by Torres Strait leaders that recorded information relating to the region’s battle with the deadly disease “didn’t match what was going on”.

“We found information being published through Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service about TB contact tracing in the region was not matching up with what they (the leaders) were saying,” Mr Springborg’s spokesman said.

He added the minister had “found some things he wasn’t satisfied with” regarding data pertaining to the disease’s prevalence in the Torres Strait.

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Encouraging import substitution for increasing self-reliance

Imported canned foodBUSA JEREMIAH WENOGO

IMPORT substitution in its simplest formulation entails replacing imports with local substitutes. In PNG at the moment there is not much of this taking place.

PNG’s manufacturing sector is not advanced and does not have the technology to produce these imports domestically.

What is more baffling is the lack of attention given to agriculture by the government although it is clearly PNG’s biggest sector.

Over the years the government has established commodity boards yet it still gives scarce attention to agriculture.

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After woman’s death, buai ban rules must be changed


THE death was harrowing, gut-wrenching, horrific, whatever other words you can think of.

I am almost choking with tears. I do not want to write more. There is no need to describe the picture that is the subject of my attention in front of me now.

It is enough to say this that an elderly woman is sprawled on the ground. Her young son, the only relative that appears to be on the scene, is crying over her limp body.

She has tyre marks on her abdomen, indicating the possible cause of her fate.

The pictures of the young child crying over his mother’s lifeless body went viral in social media.

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Teach each other the way of peace

Teach each other the way of peaceFIDELIS SUKINA

An entry in the Rivers Prize for
Writing on Peace & Harmony

Where there is love there is hate, where there is good there is evil, only the euphoria of hippie’s and their bliss of imagination is a different dimension of earthly existence.
There is thought and free will but to think at will we must be thought, the rights from the wrongs, the just from the unjust,
Who says society cannot be changed, there are no problems just solutions,
There can only be a gap between the educated and uneducated as there is when the rich get richer and the poor get poorer,

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The cultural purpose of ‘bo’ (sugar cane) in the Sikaku tribe


An entry in the Rivers Prize for
Writing on Peace & Harmony

IN the Kuman language of Simbu Province sugar cane is bo and the crop, which is suitable to almost any conditions, is found everywhere.

In fact it grows and spreads like weeds and is known as a traditional crop dating back very many generations.

There are about 14 types of sugar cane growing in Simbu. One specie is bo ingu nem (the original sugar cane), which is widely grown and very popular.

The Sikaku tribe of Yongomugl love growing sugar cane amongst the flowers around their homes and it plays a pivotal role within their society.

Bo ingu nem gives a man prestige and recognition. It is a tradition that a man should have a bo garden to maintain his identity and even to fulfill one of the requirements of a long-standing Sikaku tradition.

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The onlooker


An entry in the Rivers Prize for
Writing on Peace & Harmony

Grandpapa was quick to pre-empt the future
So if you breached the rule of nature
By slaughtering a boar for your shame
He’d say, you do not play the game

Grandpapa took evil for evil and good for good
We’re careful in dealing with grandpapa’s mood
For grandpapa never leaves an option
And easily you lose your position

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The story of how the killer giant Usieyalba met his match


A long time ago in Dumun village there lived three brothers, Kiagi, Bamulka and Koki, with their dog Kota. The brothers were hunters.

Whenever the brothers went hunting they were careful to look out for Usieyalba, a killer giant who lived in the forest and who would trick people and kill and eat them. Their late grandfather had told them about the giant many years before.

One fine night when the moon was shining brightly, Kiagi, the eldest of the three, got his hunting gear and set out to the big forest.

Kiagi entered the forest and succeeded in killing two possums and some birds. That’s enough, Kiagi said to himself, and headed back home.

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Maintaining a polygamous relationship the old fashioned way

Highlands man and his wivesROSLYN TONY

An entry in the Rivers Prize for
Writing on Peace & Harmony

MY name is Yokond and I belong to the Kulkane-Endiuk- Mondakane clan in Upper Simbu. I have two wives, Waugla and Yaundo. Waugla is my arranged wife.

We have three children. Yaundo is the barren wife of my best friend whom I married after my best friend got killed in a tribal fight.

Having two wives is not an easy task. A man has to provide for the physical and emotional needs of the women and make sure he does not provoke ill feelings among his two wives.

Prior to my second marriage with Yaundo, I had a word with Waugla.

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Papua New Guinea be the change


An entry in the Rivers Prize for
Writing on Peace & Harmony

Smile, it takes less muscles than a frown,
Sing a song whilst sitting around the hauswin,
Harmonies, sweet melodies

Share a buai, daka and kambang with friend or foe
Swing by the street and hang with the boys,
Convince them to not drink and cause havoc,

Stop the car, walk to market waving a smile and leading ahead the family,
Take five, chat with another and leave a lasting impression,
Educate a nation of peace starting with thy self

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PNG governors say they want greater provincial autonomy

ProfileJOHNNY BLADES | Radio New Zealand International

THE mood for gaining autonomy is strong among the governors of Papua New Guinea's 20 provinces.

The governors have been meeting this week in Kavieng, New Ireland, at the Governors' Council Conference.

One of them, Oro Province's Gary Juffa (pictured), spoke to me about some of the salient issues being discussed at the conference.

GARY JUFFA: And they're discussing a number of issues including some of the provinces that are wanting autonomy and government's concern about the creation of a district authority which they feel will remove their powers and remove their presence as leaders.

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Enduwa Kombuglu

Michael Dom hsMICHAEL DOM

Thanks to Chris Overland, I think it’s time this one was published. Written on the shuttle bus en route from Brisbane to Noosa, July 2014 - MD

Ooo Enduwa Kombuglu,
San emi save holim het bilong yu pastaim tru
Olsem blessing bilong tumbuna man
Na tulait emi save holim pasim yu
Olsem yangpela meri ino marit iet.

Ooo Enduwa Kombuglu,
Mun emi save kis long het bilong yu, naispela tru
Olsem laikim bilong tumbuna meri
Na nait emi save wokabaut wantaim yu
Olsem wanpela meri i laik marit.     

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My grandpapa’s advice


An entry in the Rivers Prize for
Writing on Peace & Harmony

Seeing within an irrepressible warfare
Foreseeing anxiety; prophesying doomed life
It got my bubu frantic
So with urgency…..

“Peace and harmony is on demand!” he counselled

It was for peace that wars were fought
This deadly world is in need of peace
But is bound by impractical peace accords

Peace is what you need
The very reason you collaborate

To sum up my closing chapter in life
It is what I also need

But how realistic is it?
Isn’t it peacefully perplexed? Or harmoniously soothing?

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New law tries to establish balance in PNG’s informal economy

Mining in the informal economyBUSA JEREMIAH WENOGO

THE enactment of the Informal Sector Development and Control Act 2004 brought into force a landmark law which attempted to regulate the unregulated segment of the economy.

The drafters of the Act, led by Dame Carol Kidu at the political level, undertook the difficult task of making it possible for the government to regulate the informal economy.

Guided by a ground-breaking study of 2000 that looked at constraints affecting the growth of the informal economy in PNG, the drafters meandered their way through a river of controversy to come up with this law.

They were able to generate a law that attempted to maintain a balance between controlling and developing the informal economy in PNG.

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Maybe it’s about time Mt Wilhelm had a name change

Wilhelm_von_BismarckCHRIS OVERLAND

OTTO Von Bismarck was a giant figure in German history and it was quite a good political move by the early colonists of Papua New Guinea to name a distant mountain range in his honour.

But I think naming PNG's tallest mountain, Mt Wilhelm, after his son (pictured) constitutes major league sucking up to the great man.

Surely the PNG government could rename the mountain Ende-ewa Kombuglo (The Forbidden Stone).

Not only does this sound a lot better but it would honour the traditions and history of the Simbu people as well.

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Pigs possess the intrinsic value to address social issues

Pigs are an important asset in Melanesian societyJIMMY AWAGL

An entry in the Rivers Prize for
Writing on Peace & Harmony

PIGS are widely domesticated as pets in Papua New Guinea as well as being important for social and commercial purposes.

According to the social philosophy of Simbu, pigs are symbolic of both wealth and identity. They are given regard higher than other domestic animals.

They are also related to manhood, hence men feel obliged to own at least a pig or two.

Every household in Simbu villages has a customary obligation to domesticate a pig in to avoid negative comments and criticism from their tribesmen.

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Essential drugs for rural clinics left to rot in Lae’s sun & rain

Drugs from Netherlands' IDA FoundationKEITH JACKSON

IT'S rather sad to see how often medical drugs crop up as a source of scandal and conflict in Papua New Guinea.

In recent times there has been the controversy surrounding the appointment of a manufacturer who PNG’s doctors, and others qualified to pass judgement, alleged was unable to meet global quality assurance standards.

The tender process for that decision also seemed unable to pass muster, despite being vigoously defended by Health Minister Malabag.

The PNG government professed to be unconcerned about either of these malfunctions in the system.

And while the Australian government said nothing, it did withdraw millions of dollars it had on offer for purchasing drugs.

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DWU missioning marks transition of students to world beyond

Mao Kali OBE, Secretary of the Department of Personnel Management, hands a cross to a studentDAVID WAPAR

ONE could feel the warmth of love and oneness as families, friends and sponsors of Divine Word University’s final year students gathered for the Sixth Missioning Ceremony last Friday.

As with other major university events, the Madang campus came to life as hugs were exchanged, hands shaken and the campus soil soaked up tears of joy shed by family members and guardians.

For many people it was a joyous moment to reunite with and witness sons, daughters and loved ones commissioned as students about to leave undergraduate study and move on to careers or higher academic pursuits.

DWU’s Missioning Ceremony takes place on the Friday of the last week of lectures before the end-of-year examinations.

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Sime Darby bids for majority shareholding in New Britain Palm Oil

Sime Group Chief Executive Officer Mohd Bakke SallehBUSINESS ADVANTAGE PNG

THE board of Papua New Guinea’s second largest employer, New Britain Palm Oil Limited, is likely to recommend shareholders accept a K5.09 billion (US$1.74 billion) takeover bid from Malaysia’s Sime Darby.

The bid by Sime, the world’s largest listed palm oil producer by market value, is conditional on obtaining 51% of shares.

A similar bid for a clear majority shareholding 14 months ago by Kulim was rejected by the Securities Commission’s Acting chair, Alex Tongayu, who said then the offer was not in the national interest because it would dilute PNG shareholders’ interests and reduce liquidity in the PNG stock market.

It was that rejection which led to Kulim putting its shares up for sale two months ago.

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill has written to the Sime Darby, confirmed that ‘a shareholding’ by Sime Darby would ‘not be contrary’ to the country’s interests, but he did not specify a level of shareholding.

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A happy nation is a productive nation but greed breeds misery

Greed the root of all evilFIDELIS SUKINA

An entry in the Rivers Prize for
Writing on Peace & Harmony

YOU’VE all heard the saying that money is the root of all evil. Well, we could reframe that to say that greed, a sure sign of vanity, leads to evil in modern day society.

When you’re at the peak of your life with a senior position in the public sector with car, money, house and almost everything a middle class Papua New Guinean would want, you would consider yourself set for life.

But wait! What if someone offered you a bribe or an “incentive” which you considered, being in a position of power, you could accept and go ahead and do what the law of this land says is unjust.

That’s greed right there. And, if you kept behaving like that, chances are your greed would never be satisfied.

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Dr Barry Reed – working for better dental health in PNG

Barry Reed at work in PNGSIMON WALKER | Newcastle Herald (NSW)

MANY people know how to put a smile on people's faces, but putting smiles on a nation is a challenge of another magnitude.

Rising to that challenge is Novocastrian oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Dr Barry Reed, who is working to reduce pain and suffering for people in Papua New Guinea.

Last month, with the support of Youth With A Mission (YWAM), Dr Reed worked to expand the Brighten A Smile preventive dental health campaign he initiated as a volunteer with the Kokoda Track Foundation in 2013.

It works with children of PNG's Oro Province, where the Kokoda campaign of World War II was fought.

Returning for his fourth aid visit in the past two years, Dr Reed was a volunteer last month as part of a dental team in Oro Province aboard the YWAM charity medical aid ship MV Pacific Link, a converted trawler.

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My first long journey posed some unexpected problems

Highlands HighwayALEX JOGE

DURING the Term 2 holidays in July 2013, there was a National Youth Conference hosted by our denomination in Lae City.

The youth leader told us that everybody who wished to attend the conference had to pay a registration fee of K60. The money would be used to hire a 15-seater bus to transport us to Lae and back to Simbu.

Many of my friends were going and I decided to join them. We hired a 15-seater from Tina Bus Service and packed it with our sleeping gear. At around 2 o’clock in the afternoon we left Womai for Lae.

As every minute passed we were losing sight of our beautiful limestone province until we cruised down the Daulo Pass and lost sight of Simbu completely.

After two hours, we arrived at kol ples Goroka and made our first stop at the Faniufa service station where the bus refuelled. At around 5 o’clock we left Goroka.

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Pikinini Buk helps to improve reading & writing culture in PNG

Meeting at Pikinini Book LibraryBOMAI WITNE

YOU will commonly observe in Papua New Guinea’s urban areas that many people carry a newspaper in their hands.

Then, on Sundays, you will see Christians carrying a bible in their hands or bilum.

But otherwise, you will hardly see a Papua New Guinean carrying a book. At bus and air terminals or while waiting to do business, we chew betel nut or tell stories with wantoks. Mobile phones also keep us busy.

We inherited an oral tradition and do not give much attention to the literary culture of writing and reading.

In most schools the libraries are ill stocked and students spend most of their time telling stories and think that the books belong on the shelf.

As a result, students’ speaking and writing in the English language is dismal. It is a situation that creates confusion among students at all levels of our school system.

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Drug resistant TB has jumped border between PNG & Australia

Checking an X-ray for TBSTEFAN ARMBRUSTER | SBS World News

TWO weeks ago a Torres Strait islander died in Cairns hospital from the mutant strain of tuberculosis that originates from Papua New Guinea.

“She was a close contact of a known TB case with the drug resistant strain on Saibai Island a couple of years ago,” said Dr Stephen Vincent, director of thoracic medicine at the Cairns Base Hospital.

“So in reality this is the first Australian citizen to Australian citizen transfer of this particular strain of TB.”

In PNG, tuberculosis is at crisis levels, especially in Western Province which borders on Australian islands in Torres Strait in far-north Queensland.

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Kombani blong mi, Joseph Miulge

De Havilland Dragon operating in New Guinea highlandsMATHIAS KIN

An entry in the Rivers Prize for
Writing on Peace & Harmony

AN extremely good-natured, stocky old feller – Joseph - used to come down from the high slopes of Mt Wilhelm every now and then to stay with his ‘daughter’, Dorin Bas, at the DPI compound near Kundiawa, where I also resided in 2004.

Joseph called me “kombani blong mi” and I called him the same. After I learned his age and who he was, my esteem for the bloke increased greatly.

I was amazed that, at his advanced stage in life, he exhibited the stamina and charisma of a 30 year old. Many times we shared a beer at our local Kaugrass Club. He smokes Cambridge brand cigarettes and even chuckled about the opposite sex.

Since I had been indulging in the history of Simbu, I couldn’t let this fellow out of my sight every time I had the opportunity to talk with him. And what an historian he was.

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Simbu Writers Association begins Croc Prize 2015 planning

Crocodile Prize organisers meet in SimbuJIMMY AWAGL

THE Simbu Writers Association is only six months old as a writing organisation but it is already gearing up for two major activities to accomplish in September 2015.

Over the weekend, the seven-member committee met to deliberate on how the SWA will host and manage the 2015 Crocodile Prize in Kundiawa.

Also on the agenda was the second year of promoting the home-grown concept of ‘Simbu for Literary Excellence’ which involves all high schools in the province in literary and related activities.

The committee got together at 11:00 Saturday at Gum Tree Lookout in Kundiawa. The members were pleased to welcome Jimmy Drekore, recently appointed chairman of the Crocodile Prize Organisation and also SWA president.

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6 Mile to somewhere: The world through the eyes of a child

Child in a mango treeBUSA JEREMIAH WENOGO

An entry in the Rivers Prize for
Writing on Peace & Harmony

THE sun is shining now and all I want to do is indulge in my sweet childhood memories.

The world outside my parent’s garden in 6 Mile made no sense to me back then. I was too busy unraveling the mysteries that awaited my curious mind.

When I was not building my cubby house in the garden or constructing a tree house I was playing a game of marble or backyard cricket with my friends.

In the afternoon we would get excited as everyone including the older boys joined in the fun.

Unwrapping caterpillars coiled up in banana leaves was my favourite activity in my parent’s garden. I could spend the whole day looking for them and often left behind a mess that drew disgust and a stern warning from my parents.

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Blaise Nangoi, former Post-Courier editor, dies at 51


THE eminent Papua New Guinean journalist, Blaise Nangoi, has died suddenly in Bougainville at the age of 51.

Mr Nangoi, who retired only in June this year after 32 years with the PNG Post-Courier, spent his entire working life with the newspaper.

He was editor for seven years before being promoted to general manager, a position he retained until his retirement.

He joined the paper as a journalist from the University of Papua New Guinea and quickly showed his talent for the incisive and fearless reporting of politics and national issues that became his trademark.

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I’m now a degree man: my university journey realised a dream


IT was the coastal trawler MV Solomon Queen which took me away that February afternoon in 2011.

I was carried away from my Solomon island of Bougainville across the Solomon Sea to the New Guinean town of Rabaul in East New Britain.

Then, after a few hours catching up with relatives from Ragunai village, I left on the ill-fated MV Rabaul Queen for Kimbe and on to Lae.

In 2013, the Rabaul Queen was to sink in bad weather with heavy loss of life.

From Lae we hit the highway through the Markham Valley, over rugged terrain into Madang Province and thence to Madang town’s Divine Word University.

It was a three day journey from Bougainville to Madang that finally had me stuck to the university for four years.

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The hounds from the pound


An entry in the Rivers Prize for
Writing on Peace & Harmony

The dogs of reform are on the loose.
Out of the pound they go in search of harmony.
Inside the ring they will pound till the last round
Not for money but for peace.

Only the chains are left in our memories now.
Each one a Cinderella ready to box out of depression.
No mouthguard or headgear, just wit and sheer determination.
Two steps right then left jab at life and bam a knockout to hopelessness.

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Reluctant educators needed convincing to accept Croc anthology

Education Department personnel accept their anthologies from Sil Bolkin (right)KELA KAPKORA SIL BOLKIN

IT was 15 September just past and I had returned to Port Moresby for the 2014 Crocodile Prize literary awards.

From the air looking down, Port Moresby was shimmering under the dust emanating from the plethora of road and building construction.

As usual, the savannah grassland surrounding the city had patches of black from burning and torching mostly by Eastern Highlanders and Simbus who, as if they own the landscape, use fire to clear the land of weeds to plant corn and peanuts to feed the growing population.

The smoke produced by these fires added to the thick haze.

Still, it was a good feeling coming home to this unforgiving city that is unfairly ranked by The Economist Intelligence Unit as one of the 10 most dangerous cities to live in.

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The mysterious girl. The one after my own likeness


When I say I love her. She say she don't deserve it.
When I say I need her. She say she deserve someone better,
When I say my life is better with her. She says I don't know any better.
When I have to go, she says I need you.

But for me, I will never choose any more
The power of my desire, was she alone
Because her name was of high definition
The definition of her name was the essence of my love for her

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Are museums the answer to Bougainville’s gun disposal woes?

Leonard Fong Roka (Palipal)ISHMAEL PALIPAL

RESEARCH by Bougainvillean author Leonard Fong Roka (pictured), conducted as part of his just finished studies at Divine Word University, reveals that many people in his home province are retaining weapons because they fear another war may break out.

Under the Bougainville Peace agreement of 2001, which brought to an end a 10-year long civil war, weapons disposal was agreed as one of the pillars for the conduct of a referendum on independence.

Roka’s research was carried out earlier this year in Zone 3 of Arawa Town, where most of the factional leaders and other citizens from around Bougainville live.

The 40 male and female participants said the major reason why Bougainvilleans are not surrendering guns and other weapons because they feel another war might erupt.

They represented both sides of the people involved in the civil war as well as other Bougainvilleans.

“So much has happened during the crisis and still we can’t trust anyone, especially the politicians, because we cannot know how much each Bougainvillean has gone through,” Mr Roka said.

Mr Roka said some people felt Bougainville might have to fight for independence if PNG is not willing to let Bougainville free itself.

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Bless the poor


An entry in the Rivers Prize for
Writing on Peace & Harmony

God said blessed are those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs
But why let them wait till death to be happy

Why am I poor?
Why must I be this way?

Is there anybody there who feels the vibrations please show me the way to my renewal?
Am I a statistic? Am I a product of violence and greed?
Can my cup be filled so as to satisfy, my thirst, or maybe still let it overflow for once in my life?

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Bishop Orowae says family is first seat of evangelisation

Bishop Arnold Orowae of Wabag (Vatican Radio)VATICAN RADIO

BISHOP Arnold Orowae of Wabag has delivered the homily at a service during the Catholic Bishops Synod in Rome

In his remarks, Bishop Orowae focused on the family as the place where most people come to know Christ and learn to be members of His Church.

“We encourage our families to search for the joy that comes from meeting Christ in the Gospel. It is there they will find this happiness,” Bishop Orowae said.

“Families should be encouraged to rediscover the Gospel, read the Good News with children in the home, and in the basic Christian communities….

“Today, many families are struggling with challenges and distractions. These have to be faced and overcome to build healthy families. The families are at their best when it comes to discussing and tackling problems and conflicting issues.

“The Church is grateful for the many Catholic families who believe in the gospel values, follow them in family life, teach the faith to the children, and set examples that other families can see and imitate.”

About my grandmother, Sembal Koria


MY grandmother is the most noticeable human being.  It is not how she looks; it is her personality.

She is one of those people who always quickly blames others if something is wrong.

Her vegetable peeling knife went missing ... must be one of the children stealing it to cut up green oranges.

She thinks her firewood supply is low… it must be our neighbour coming in and taking it.

And when she finds out that the knife is there, just under the mat she is sitting on, she goes her way without saying sorry for accusing us.

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The hound of the Simbuville

Hound of SimbuvilleAnother riveting Sherlock Holmes saga from the quill of PETER KRANZ, eminent world authority on the escapades of the great detective in Papua New Guinea

HOLMES and Watson had just relaxed to an afternoon Darjeeling with some hot scones, raspberry jam and Devon clotted cream when they were rudely interrupted by the doorbell.

"What is it now Missus Okuk? Please don't interrupt us when tea is up."

"Don't get your knickers in a twist Mr 'Olmes,” said the old retainer, “it's just the postman. Gore luv, I ain't got time for such mauswara! Talk about susu wobbles!"

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The controversial Colonel Yaura Sasa: was he a hero or a zero?

Colonel Yaura SasaJACK KLOMES

BACK in 2007, during one of my history classes at Wawin National High School, we studied the rise of the German Empire and the Schlieffen Plan.

At about the same time, a retired colonel of the PNG Defence Force published an article in The National newspaper entitled “Australia Invades PNG - Operation Charlemagne”.

I remembered the article clearly because my history teacher brought it to class one morning and we discussed it at length.

The article argued that Australia was playing mind games with Papua New Guinea and its leaders as seen in incidents such as the 2005 Brisbane Airport Somare shoe scandal and the failed Enhanced Cooperation Plan of the same year.

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Experts share thoughts on PNG investment opportunities

Austrade’s David Knapton, Nambawan Super’s Michael Block and IFC’s Carolyn Blacklock.The successful completion of the LNG project has turned attention to new PNG investment opportunities. A panel from the International Finance Corporation, Austrade and Nambawan Super share their thoughts for Business Advantage PNG

DESPITE the clear success of the ExxonMobil-led PNG LNG project, where the next wave of opportunities lie is varied and the resources sector doesn’t feature highly for either Carolyn Blacklock or Michael Block.

Block lists energy ("we’re looking at solar farms right now"), agriculture (in particular safe, renewable forms), telecommunications, finance, tourism and education.

"They’re all the areas that we think will be areas that will have a divergent and different return," he says.

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Creative approach will improve literacy in Central Province

Central Province educators with their certificates after completing the workshopAUSTRALIAN HIGH COMMISSION | Port Moresby

CENTRAL Province educators are learning innovative methods of teaching children to read in a project to boost the province’s literacy rate.

Eight educators recently completed a workshop in the use of phonetics - a method of teaching children to read by associating sounds with letters in the alphabet.

Funded through the Kokoda Initiative and facilitated by the Central Province Education Division, the workshop was part of Australia’s ongoing support to elementary and primary education in the Kokoda region.

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Formalising squatter settlements to create capital in PNG

Squatter Settlement in west Wewak harbour areaBUSA JEREMIAH WENOGO

THERE is growing concern in Papua New Guinea that the increasing size of the informal economy is giving rise to more petty crime such as pickpocketing and other law and order problems.

In Port Moresby, markets such as Gordon and Koki are frequented by pickpockets and drug dealers. It is common to see drunkards roaming the markets armed with a bottle of SP and no sense of care or respect for the rule of law and fellow human beings.

The situations is such that law abiding citizens, especially women, are encouraged not to attend these markets either as a buyer or a vendor in fear of falling victim to harassment and abuse.

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PNG tuberculosis quickens its spread across Torres Strait

People with suspected TB cases from Mabuduan Health Centre in PNGSTEFAN ARMBRUSTER | SBS

TUBERCULOSIS infections in the Torres Strait between Australia and Papua New Guinea have doubled in the past 12 months but the death toll has fallen from a peak three years ago, figures from Queensland Health show.

A Torres Strait woman died in Cairns last week from suspected multi-drug resistant TB and authorities are trying to trace people who had contact with her.

The latest death comes as the Papua New Guinea government announced an emergency task force to tackle its TB crisis, including on the international border with Australia.

PNG health authorities says they expect 29,000 people will be infected with the disease this year, up by 26% from 23,000 in 2013.

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Divergent PNG & Australian views of role of federal police

Rowan CallickROWAN CALLICK | The Australian

AUSTRALIA’S $37 million a year deployment of 73 federal police to Papua New Guinea — hailed as a breakthrough last year when it began — is being reviewed by the PNG government, potentially to wind it down.

This is in part because of unrealistic “visible policing” expectations — with the AFP officers lacking legal powers to make ­arrests, conduct investigations or direct PNG counterparts.

A report published yesterday by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute argues the need to ­almost double Canberra’s input of cash and police.

The deployment was agreed between then prime minister Kevin Rudd and his PNG counterpart Peter O’Neill, in the context of a plan to send asylum-seekers to Manus Island.

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The sight of a glorious scene brings peace

Jimmy Awagl in his beloved mountainsJIMMY AWAGL

An entry in the Rivers Prize for
Writing on Peace & Harmony

From the mountain top eyes raise to this imposing scene
Like an eagle descending through the clouds to view the beauty
Glimpses through treetops gives fond memories of present and past
Looking along the valleys to a geography clear as crystal
The remarkable sight bringing peace and harmony

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PNG blesses Sime Darby move to acquire NBPOL

Oil palm plantationOOI TEE CHING | New Straits Times

SIME Darby Bhd is finally able to make a K4.33 billion takeover of New Britain Palm Oil Ltd (NBPOL), now that the Papua New Guinea (PNG) government has wholeheartedly given its blessing. 

The acquisition is conditional upon Sime Darby obtaining 51% voting rights in NBPOL.

Upon a successful merger, Sime Darby will secure board and management control to reflect its ownership in NBPOL. 

Shareholders of Sime Darby can look forward to around a five percent contribution to the bottom line in the next couple of years. 

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Suicide attempt? Priest accused of paedophilia is hospitalised

David McNamara and his alleged abuser, then Bro Roger MountRORY CALLINAN | The Age

THE Papua New Guinea-based Catholic priest ordered by the church to return to Australia after Fairfax Media revealed his alleged involvement in Australian child abuse cases appears to have stalled his departure by going into hospital.

The Catholic Church paid more than $100,000 to victims who alleged abuse by Father Roger Mount when he was a brother with the Catholic St John of God Order running children's homes in NSW and Victoria in the 1960s and 1970s.

He moved to PNG in the 1980s and became a Catholic priest - most recently in the Sogeri Parish about 45km north-east of Port Moresby - despite the allegations of child abuse being reported to the Catholic Church in Australia.

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Life amongst the teachers at Salamo on Fergusson Island

Mountains around Gurney AirportBOMAI WITNE

SATURDAY is village market day at Salamo. People from surrounding villages converge at the wharf to sell and buy garden produce and marine catch.

This day is hot and one kulau is not enough so I go for the next one. A few local people, perhaps tired of drinking kulau, have opted for Coca-Cola or Sprite from the store.

Everyone is busy going about their trade. Near the end of the wharf is a boat painted green and white. A friend tells me it belongs to Misty Baloiloi, and I think hard for a while before figuring out this is the former Vice Chancellor of the University of Technology.

Towards midday, most of the people at the market go home. A few head for Wesley Secondary School to continue selling.

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From the Kundiawa News – 50 years ago in New Guinea

Aldo - Chimbu Club fireKEITH JACKSON

Extracts from Kundiawa News No 20 – 9 October 1964


A fire which broke out in the Chimbu Club last Sunday afternoon was put out just minutes before it could become too serious.

The alarm given by schoolteacher Kevin Marsh brought over a dozen people who were swimming and playing tennis to the scene of the fire.

A bucket chain was rapidly formed after Public Works OIC had broken into the bar. The seat of the blaze was quickly attacked and within minutes the flames were extinguished.

The fire was caused by a kerosene freezer being placed too close to the plywood wall of the Club and setting it alight. Thanks to the hasty action of those involved the only damage caused was top the interior wall and slightly to the outside weatherboarding.

An onlooker’s opinion of the fire said that the task of extinguishing it would have been impossible if noticed later than it was. The value of the damage caused has not yet been assessed.

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