Coming soon: A book of stories from Enga Province
Sorcery and sexism in Papua New Guinea

Great Explorations No 98 - By reindeer across the Owen Stanleys


"DO you think it will rain, dear?" asked Missus Okuk innocently looking out of the window.

"Okuk, that is a disturbingly familiar expression, which is not characteristic of you" replied Holmes somewhat sharply.

"Forgive me Mister 'Olmes, but I 'av a strange feeling in me waters."

"Okuk, best to spend your waters on these withered aspidistras," replied Holmes, glancing at some sad pot plants in the corner of the room.

"As you wish Mister 'Olmes".

Holmes was relaxing by shooting flies on the wall with his custom-made revolver.

In his own words, Watson states: "When Holmes was in one of his queer humours he would sit in an armchair with his hair trigger and a hundred Boxer cartridges and proceed to adorn the opposite wall with a patriotic ‘V.R.’ peppered in bullet pockmarks.

“I felt strongly that neither the atmosphere was not much disturbed by the activity nor by the appearance of his revolver.  In fact the room was much improved by it, although Missus Okuk did not always agree".

The Author interposes – “There has been much controversy in the past as to the sort of gun and cartridge used by Holmes to engage in small-bore redecorating. For years it was suggested Watson had incorrectly described Holmes' ammunition as being Centerfire when, in fact, Holmes had probably used small Rimfire of the Flobert variety.

“Actually, there were Centerfire Boxer-primed .22 cartridges, bottlenecked .297/230 Morris short and long rounds used for shooting rooks in sub-caliber "aiming tubes" for military rifle practice and in high-grade target pistols. Loaded with both black powder and Cordite, the .297/230 Short and Long fired-lead 38-grain bullets at velocities of 850 and 1,170 fps respectively, and were particularly favoured for their accuracy.

“While no pistol of this type has turned up in the Watson collection, British makers of the period, such as Charles Lancaster, offered them - and the ammunition - as standard items to illustrious clients such as Holmes.
“There can be little doubt that such a firearm was the one fired by Holmes in his study.” - PK

"I say Holmes, the Daily Herald says that there is an interesting expedition being proposed by a Mister Amundsen from Norway.  He proposes to explore the highlands of New Guinea using Reindeers as transport."

"Reindeers? I'd rather ride on possums" replied Holmes tersely.

"But this expedition is being sponsored by the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies from the University of Copenhagen.  You are familiar with the embryonic works of Mister Niels Bohr of the self-same country?  I believe there is a new element, Bohrium named after him."

"And what does he say of this expedition?"

"He is quoted as saying 'it is of the utmost scientific importance'".

"I suppose he'll next be saying that the world is getting warmer. But nevertheless it is worth some further investigation."

"Watson, have you your pith helmet?"

"Indeed Holmes, and your custom special Lancaster pistol with the Morris short round ammunition."

"Good man Watson.  I suppose if we are going to join this reindeer-brained expedition we might as well go prepared."

Several weeks has passed and Holmes and Watson had agreed to join Amundsen's trek, as recommended by Bohr. They were travelling by packet to the port of Esbjerg where they were to meet Amundsen - and the Reindeers.

After they had settled into their cabin they were invited to meet the great Amundsen at the Captain's table.

"It is an honour to meet you sir, the famous explorer and the first to reach the antipodean pole and traverse the Northwest Passage" said Holmes in an uncharacteristic display of enthusiasm. "But what may have caused you to invite us - mere consulting detectives - on your latest expedition?"

"Please take a seat, Mr Holmes, Dr Watson.  Our expedition is sponsored by the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies at Københavns Universitet.  You are invited here for good reason which I shall explain."

"The reindeer is a remarkable animal - as I am sure you know - which has sustained the Sami nomads for thousands of years."

"Indeed sir."

"Well I have the revolutionary notion, building on the work of your famous scientists Alfred Wallace and Charles Darwin, that species have the ability to adapt and evolve over many years. I believe the Nordic Reindeer is one such species."

"Well that would indeed be revolutionary."

"My theory is that the antecedents of the reindeer first emerged on the ancient continent of Gondwanaland and were adapted to temperate climes. As the continents drifted they found themselves in tropical latitudes, and over thousands more years adapted to a hotter and more humid environment.

In short, they found themselves in the area now known as New Guinea."

"How unfortunate for them," muttered Watson sotto voce. Luckily his remark went unheard by all except his friend.

Amundsen continued, his voice mounting in excitement.

"Due to the geological and climatological conditions at the time, they migrated north and west and over many more years found a home in northern Europe where they adapted to colder conditions during the last great ice age.

But their genetic home is New Guinea! And I aim to prove that! But I need the help of the best cryptozoological investigators I could find, so naturally I turned to your good selves, having heard of your investigation into the Simbu Hound."

"Well we are flattered I am sure. But do you have new evidence to support your theory?"

"Yes indeed!  My local informants tell me that an ancient cave has recently been discovered on the slopes of Mount Lamington in the mountains of that country and preliminary searches confirm that it contains many ancient mammalian bones, and antlers! Reindeer antlers!  We must explore this possibility."

Holmes queried "but why bring Nordic Reindeers themselves on the expedition?"

"Because I believe they have some ancient genetic memory that will be awakened by reintroducing them to their original tropical habitat, and I aim to demonstrate this."

Watson to Holmes, again in a whisper, "Holmes you do realise he is barking mad?"

"Quite so Watson, but I cannot let down my old friend Niels, who asked me to look after him."

And so commenced one of the greatest and most curious of scientific expeditions - across the Owen Stanleys by reindeer!

Holmes asked Amundsen "what is this strange contraption?" as they were unloading their supplies from the ship which had docked in Port Moresby.

"It is my specially designed sled, to help us carry our supplies over the mountains. It has runners made of white metal which I believe will give us an advantage in the muddy terrain."

They made their way out of the settlement, the Reindeers moaning and bellowing at their first exposure to tropical heat.

"Holmes - that one spat at me!" ejaculated Watson.

"Don't complain Watson.  And that one is of the American sub-species. The glacial-interglacial cycles of the upper Pleistocene had a major influence on the evolution of Rangifer Tarandus and other Arctic and sub-Arctic species.

“Isolation of Rangifer Tarandus in Wisconsin in North America and the Weichselian in Eurasia shaped "intraspecific genetic variability" particularly between the North American and Eurasian parts of the Arctic.

“That is an American Reindeer, also known as a Caribou. They often spit at the British."

"Well he should learn some manners."

"Don't argue with him Watson, he is the pack leader and his name is Rudolph. And his nose intrigues me."

They made their way laboriously up to the foothills of the Owen Stanleys.

Watson was tiring as they eventually reached a peak and stared down at the valley below to see Popondetta laid out before them.

"Good Doctor, why not ride in the sled and wear your helmet to protect your head from the tropical sun" suggested Amundsen.

"And I have packed some presents to appease the local villagers" he added as an afterthought.

Obediently Watson donned his Pith helmet, sat in the sled and handed out gifts to the local children as they passed through each village.

And so a legend was born.  Watson was Father Christmas!

They eventually reached the cave on the slopes of Mt Lamington.  But here were no bones, and no antlers, just an ominous rumbling from the belly of the mountain.

A villager appeared and said, "You waitman have been tricked by the wicked one."

Holmes asked "and who might this trickster be?"

"His name is Mouratu."

Holmes stared at Watson, his jaw dropping in disbelief.

"You don't mean Moriarty?"

"Well he nogat twistimtok so we call him Mouratu."

The expedition was a complete disaster. No fossil reindeer, no ancient continental migrations, no proof for Amundsen's wild theories.  But he was not downhearted.

"Mister Holmes, I have a young nephew called Heyerdahl, who has this theory that the Pacific Islands were first colonised by travellers from South America. He proposes an expedition on balsa rafts to demonstrate this. Are you willing to join?"

Holmes replied - "Watson, hand me the Lancaster, with the Morris short round."


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Peter Kranz

I didn't mean to be disrespectful but there actually is a Nordic Institute for Asian Studies at Copenhagen University and they have sponsored work in Papua New Guinea.

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