Winds of change: Are they blowing PNG good or bad?
Keeping the brains away: The curse of the non-resident PNGn

A life in disguise


An entry in the Crocodile Prize
Kina Securities Award for Poetry

Black suit and white tie
Brief case and laptop case in hand
Tinted glass vehicle parked nearby
He walks head held high, hand waving
The crowd bows to his presence
He is a Member of Parliament

His lips pour out his heart in words
Like flooding rivers
We applaud saliva that sprays from lips
For a season we worship him
We see him on billboards and in adverts
Truly he is a mandated leader

He calls for a mauswara conference at 10 am
The media was there, he arrives at 11
To say something urgent interrupted his schedule
If only his sweet saliva could build good roads
My mum can save a kina for my bus fare

My parents sent me to a national government college
He sent his kids to a uni overseas
My chances of employment were slim
But his son has a place in the government office
He is a Politician


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