The blight of violent rape against defenceless women
The Crocodile Prize: It’s time to be brutally frank

The glow of hope


The little glow
thrown onto the dried kunai
a gust of smoke generates
followed by a raging flame 
under dried twigs
the fire starts

Dripping clothes
shivering bodies
rattling jaws
freezing arms
gather around
a neat circle at the fire place

The little glow
is the glow of hope
it keeps the house warm
it gives strength to the muscles
it is the centre of union
it is the hope in our hearts

Find your little glow and start the fire


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Bessielah David

It is encouraging, to read the piece and hope against all hope that our hope will be forthcoming. Lovely.

Peter Kranz

Brilliant Jimmy, and especially relevant for Rose and me at the moment - she goes into hospital next week for a major operation - and you have brought the glow into our hearts.

Phil Fitzpatrick

I like this one Jim.

Dominica Are

Read this quote some where...Never stop believing in Hope because Miracles happen everyday. Nice Piece.

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