The pen & notebook are falling into inexperienced hands
04 July 2015
An entry in the Crocodile Prize
PNG Chamber of Mines & Petroleum
Award for Essays & Journalism
IN the midst of the crowd at Divine Word University’s open day in 2013, as I sat at the Communication Arts public relations booth, a senior national public servant approached me with a question.
“Son, why is it that most of the prominent journalists in the country are disappearing from the mainstream media?” The look on her face already suggested an answer before my lips could move.
Unlike any other profession where one works until retirement age, the case is otherwise for journalists in Papua New Guinea.
Only passion and love for the profession keeps a few enduring until old age, in most cases just a handful. While journalism is an exciting field, the challenges are many for the warriors who fight only with pen and paper.
For example, the green pastures offered by public relations and other communications and marketing careers are very attractive to mainstream journalists.
Journalists are marketable in public relations because they tend to have a good network of people and a broad knowledge of issues.
As a journalism student, I was exposed to the challenge of the theory and practice of journalism and the role of the media in a democratic nation.
Although the media is often termed the fourth estate (after clergy, nobility and commoners), giving it some sense of importance in society, the challenges it faces are recurring.
The public would murmur if it was revealed how much a journalist is paid to keep Papua New Guinea informed every day.
There are two journalism schools in Papua New Guinea – at the University of Papua New Guinea and Divine Word University – but each generation of graduating journalists and media personnel gets little or no mentorship or training in media organisations. There are so few senior journalists around.
So it is that young, semi-experienced reporters walk into the mainstream news rooms.
This has compromised media law and the ethics of journalism. It is no surprise when we read the harsh complaints on the performance and quality of journalists in the opinion columns of the daily newspapers and on social media.
The body meant to regulate standards, the Media Council of Papua New Guinea, seems to turn a blind eye to all this and has done so for some time.
The biro and notebook are falling into young hands that have a big professional gap to bridge. And, once these young people gain momentum and experience, they too move on and the gap remains.
The thing I cannot grasp is the low wages and non-existent training for media personnel. After completing my degree in communication arts and journalism, a media firm offered me K300 a fortnight while living in Port Moresby. This was equivalent to other support staff who had no qualifications at all.
The offer made me understand why qualified journalists left the mainstream media for other communications fields and made me recognise why the mainstream media is struggling to produce quality.
While it may be wrong for the government to interfere with media affairs, I think it is fair for it to address the plight of the media personnel through agencies such as the PNG Media Council and the Labour Department.
“You have no special legislation that directly protects you as media personnel,” said my lecturer in journalism.
Yet, the risk of exposing corrupt practices and crime networks rests with journalists. It is ironic that they speak for the voiceless and inform and educate the public on national issues but their rights remain an individual risk.
Whilst there are unions for teachers, doctors and nurses, the very people who keep the four corners of Papua New Guinea informed lack one. Journalists have no special privileges like politicians. Although news has to be timely, journalists are frequently put on waitlists for flights they need to cover breaking news.
The only time they get special privileges is when they accompany politicians and bureaucrats who expect good coverage afterwards. At times bribes and prize money is given for favours. This is where media law and ethics should come into play.
Too many single source stories make their way into the news. A single source story too easily reflects a biased view and is an indication of poor research by a journalist. A well written story is not just “he said this” or “she said that”. It is an examination of an issue from different angles and viewpoints.
Also, the issue of using materials supplied for publication is ignored by young journalists who take information unquestioningly from sources. This contravenes point 10 of the PNG Broadcasting Code of Practice which states: “When a strong editorial reason warrants the inclusion in any programme of recorded or prepared material supplied by, on behalf of, official bodies, companies or campaigning organizations, its source should be revealed”.
In journalism, there is a difference between reporting on an event and reporting on an issue. Usually reporting on an issue requires research. But most young journalists are event and happening reporters. There’s lack of critical thinking and analysis – a result of poor mentorship.
EMTV Lae bureau chief Scott Waide, an example for young journalists because of his style of reporting on cross cutting issues, once told us: “Use events as an avenue to meet bureaucrats and politicians to investigate issue-based stories”.
One of the veteran PNG TV journalists, John Higgins, is sharp in his reporting. He is also a real mentor.
Understanding the cultural diversity and level of literacy of our people is very important for those intending to be journalists, yet I find papers these days stuffed with jargon and clichés.
As a graduate journalist I get irritated by ‘walk-in recruitment’ where people are made journalists without any special training. What does this do for knowledge and standards?
Then the public comment on poor journalistic practice when the reporter isn’t a journalist’s bootlace.
Sure, anyone can write a story, but journalism is more than just writing. It’s better leave the profession to trained and qualified people so the two journalism schools in Papua New Guinea can serve their purpose.
Reilly - thankyou for this piece. I do agree with you that investigative journalism is lacking in PNG and to some extent I do agree with you that a profession should be left to only those who are trained and qualified for it.
However, I was a bit thrown by your last sentence. I' m not a trained or qualified journalist but have a developed interest for investigative reporting, asking questions, critical thinking about topics of interest.
I've written a few print articles as a contributor with the key goal of sharing information, generating interest or expanding a knowledge-base about a topic.
I really like this genre of writing. But I do hope that my liking and interest wouldn't be discounted because I haven't the formal accreditation. Naturally, I would never dream of referring to myself as a journalist, reporter etc.
I have no doubt journalism is more than just writing so as John has suggested, an increased participation by journalists in the Crocodile Prize and PNG Attitude would help demonstrating to others (such as myself) how to become more critical in thinking and writing. Thank you.
Posted by: Rashmii Amoah | 05 July 2015 at 11:37 PM
Bro it's a recycle system, Journalists are in abundance these days, so every time a journalist moves on from an organisation there are still journalists who graduate and look for work.
I am a graduate in International Relations and Community Development but I have this passion the urge to know more about my country and the people, so I have become a print journalist.
It's interesting getting to meet new people every day and discussing issues about our country's media first hand.
I am very vocal and enjoy talking and adding opinions. I always wanted to be a journalist but I opted to take politics and international relations, something I don't regret as it has really helped my writing and helped me to be analytic and get stories with good angles.
Journalism is a profession best served for those with passion. If you worry about the pay I am sorry, you will always give second best. That's why some graduates in social science and science with passion are in it for the long run.
Posted by: Fidelis Sukina | 04 July 2015 at 11:52 AM
Reilly, the bottom line to me as a non-journalist is to improve quality training, grooming and mentoring for up-coming journalists.
The two journalism schools in the PNG (Divine Word and UPNG)are most probably aware of the many issues that contribute to some of the quality issues you have raised here.
I agree that journalism is more than just writing or reporting. Yet the basic skill of writing and its importance needs to be emphasised and flagged to journalists and journalism teachers/lectures.
I see PNG Attitude as an avenue for young journalists in the country to improve their writing skills.
That's why I am making a call here for journalists to contribute more to the PNG Attitude including entering articles for the PNG Crocodiloe Prize literary competition.
It's encouraging to see senior journalists and reporters like Joycelyn Leahy entering articles and contributing. More journalists should do the same.
At UPNG a long list of journalism students have expressed an interest to join the Port Moresby Writers Association.
We look forward to next year when more journalists can participate.
Posted by: John Kaupa Kamasua | 04 July 2015 at 11:44 AM
Thank you Reilly. Too much unattended, your topic is amidst ‘tearable’ times.
Can your closing sentence open a discrete discussion?
Posted by: Lindsay F Bond | 04 July 2015 at 09:27 AM