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Wished I told you mom

Mother and son, Mt HagenABNER YALU

Wished I told you mom just once,
I fed off your spiritual bounce,
you brought me thus far,
with no money but Faith and fire,
and your favorite digging stick of course,
on which countless kaukau mounds,
sprung endless food abound,
and, more so often than others,
a motherly whack or fatherly two,
just so the naughtier in me found true,
pain came to those hambag-inclined.

Still you left so soon,
without me a chance to say thank you,
Mother and childor at least buy you lunch, a buai or two,
you left with nothing in your purse,
perhaps in the interest of the Lord,
but I still can't help wonder,
if I could have changed your departure,
with all these cash now lay useless.

God forgive me if I wronged,
to have wished my mom returned,
to care for her in better ways,
Mother and daughterbuy her a dress or trip somewhere,
even medicine, and medical tests,
yet regrets and pain are all I gain,
for in the giant hole she left me,
was her final kaukau mound,
I wished I told you mom just once,
that I love you so very much.


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Kela Kapkora Sil Bolkin

I am saddened as my mind goes back on the memory lane with the poem.

Fitting tribute to our mothers that left use.

Daniel Ipan Kumbon

Good to remember our mums, Abner. I think of my own dear mum often. Not so much about my father, maybe because I took his place.

`Robin Lillicrapp

Worthy praise of departed Mum. Well done Abner.

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