Seeking solitude
05 October 2015
An entry in the 2015 Rivers Award
for Writing on Peace & Harmony
After a tiring week of never-ending emails, endless telephone calls
I needed quietness
I walked to the beach to enjoy the cool breeze
The day was luminous and beautiful
Across the turquois sea, the islands welcomed me
Blue enamel and white fluffy clouds swathed the horizon
It’s so quiet, only the drone of an airplane far away
The hum of dragonfly wings, lapping of waves against the shore
Buzzing of bee overhead in the pandanus leaves interrupts my reverie
From some hidden spot in the grass
A frog scolds the pilot for disturbing the peace
Seagulls call; a chickadee chirps
Four sand crabs make a dance in search of food
A breath of air stirs the palm trees
The nearby fireweed sways and shimmers
The smell of seaweed in the air
A fishy smell, a pungent salty odour
I feel the warmth of the sun through sheltering trees
Fireweed seedpods split, releasing white soft cotton
The sea breeze ruffles the water
A thousand silver-winged birds swoop lazily