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Tears for the orphans

The orphan schoolPHILIP KAUPA

An entry in the 2015 Rivers Award
for Writing on Peace & Harmony

Dedicated to the Irugl orphanage
at the foot of Mt Wilhelm, Simbu

I have been to places
but nowhere have I been like this

Where roads hardly take
Where planes cannot make

There within the rugged walls
where the breezes whisper and a mist falls

Where juicy red berries grow wild
among famous sunflower fields

My soul bathes in tears
as I see myself in their eyes

Gathered little ones and their elders
a true home they find here

Their heritage denied
but their destiny not defied

Their innocence has been realised
The efforts of a saint with no prize

They are not fosters
but orphans

They gather stronger each to each
comforted by the likes of church

And selfless efforts of some
who believes in humanities wholesome

Orphans they are for today
but they'll never be for everyday

For their dreams are as high as a tower
forever like their everlasting flower

Though their soul is as soft as berries
they are hard with hopes of the fairest

Thus far they came
and deserve to be in the game

For they will never be forever orphans


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Philip G Kaupa

Yes Daniel, the everlasting mountain daisy bunches. Get a picture of them and remember them forever for they will never wither. Wan yakilum oh!...

Thanks all and if you know this place don't forget them for they deserve special attention.

Daniel Ipan Kumbon

Philip, Kamim wrote for all of us who went up there. The 'famous sun flower fields' - did you mean the everlasting mountain daisy bunches they gave each one of us? I will keep mine until they wither..

Bessielah David

Very buoyant and captivating, beautiful piece

Arnold  Mundua

This one is coming from the heart...good one Philip & thanks.

Dominica Are

I can see Irugl Orphanage through this beautiful piece. Prayers for the children and those heavens earthly angels for their support and kind heartedness.

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