What Mama & Papa told me
09 October 2015
An entry in the 2015 Rivers Award
for Writing on Peace & Harmony
What Mama told me
Mama told me not to grumble
But to be humble
Even if things don’t seem right
Mama told me not to cry
But to try
Even if things seem complicated
Mama told me not to fear
But to bear
Even if things seem to be a burden
Mama told me not to sympathize
But to empathize
Even if things seem hopeless
Mama told me not to gossip
But to worship
Even if things seem unfair
Mama told me not to jeer
But to cheer
Even if things fall apart
What Papa told me
Papa told me not to hate
But to love
Because in love there is peace
Papa told me not to be angry
But to be happy
Because in happiness there is harmony
Papa told me not to be rude
But to be kind
Because in kindness there is delight
Papa told me not to aggravate
But to comfort
Because in comfort there is joy
Papa told me not to be rude
But to be polite
Because in politeness there is serenity
Papa told me not to make enemies
But to make friends
Because in friendship there is happiness
I know what Mama tells in stanza 2. Good piece Samantha.
Posted by: Philip G Kaupa | 09 October 2015 at 07:32 AM
Encouraging verse, Samantha.
Posted by: `Robin Lillicrapp | 09 October 2015 at 06:21 AM