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Tanka at the sportsmen’s bar

Can anyone shed light on this Papua prospecting medallion?

Stephens' Medallion ObverseKEITH JACKSON

I have received a note from reader Bill Stephens including two interesting photographs.

They are the obverse and reverse of an unusual medallion given to his late father Arthur (Bluy) Stephens in 1972.

Arthur was the Port Moresby-based Mining Warden in the Department of Land, Surveys and Mines in Papua New Guinea in the 1960s and 1970s.

The medallion was presented to him by an outfit called the ‘Cape Vogel Anuki Prospecting Society’.

It bears the names of the society president Abihud Sinokua as well as the secretary, treasurer, chief prospector and cook (good to see the poor bloody cook recognised).

Stephens' Medallion ReverseAll of these worthies are described as “important 1972 chiefs” from Pem village located on Cape Vogel in Papua.

The professionally-struck medallion strikes me as being privately commissioned and is most likely one of a kind, perhaps given to Arthur in recognition of his services.

His son Bill says he’s “wondering if there is anybody from PNG Attitude who may be able to throw some light on this.”

Over to our readers. You can add your thought through the Comments link below of contact Bill directly here - [email protected]


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Vincent Kewibu

Keith, I think Russell Soaba would be able to shed some light on the medallion.

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