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Everfree's third birthday prayer

Everfree's 3rd birthdayPHILIP G KAUPA

An entry in the 2015 Rivers Award
for Writing on Peace & Harmony

Dedicated to my daughter Everfree who recently turned three

Dear Lord

Thank you for creating me rare
when I was two, I learned to pray
today I am three because you care

John 14:14 is my favorite Bible verse
Lord whatever I ask you always bless
thank you for the pinky pinky dress

last week I had an awful injury
Lord you were there in my misery
with you nothing is more scary

Thank you for my mum and dad
help them so they will never be loud and mad
but calm and leading when I am bad

I care for my elder brother
I don't know if you would give me another
Lord help us to be good to others

I enjoy my grandparents
I have yet to learn my cousins
thank you for giving me many aunties and uncles

Each day forward after today
Lord I need you to lead the way
for me and all my family, I will pray

My birthday wish
is never to miss
a day in your courts

Thank you Lord
for hearing my prayer


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Bessielah David

This is lovely. Loved it! and Best wishes to lovely Everfree.

Arnold  Mundua

Amen! Wakai we....

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