Living in peace and harmony in Papua New Guinea
Women march against homebrew: we will not suffer silently

Funding cuts to Bougainville stir secession fears


BOUGAINVILLE president John Momis says the Papua New Guinea government's decision to reduce funding to the autonomous region's government could compel Bougainvilleans to push for secession from PNG.

Dr Momis said the government's 2016 budget makes savage cuts to almost every aspect of funding for Bougainville.

He told the Post Courier newspaper that the autonomous government's budget has been reduced by $US10 million and several other grants for development and the Bougainville Peace Agreement have also been cut.

Bougainville is due to hold a referendum on possible independence from PNG within the next five years and Dr Momis says the cuts could push Bougainvilleans to vote for independence.



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