We are not alone 1
The submissive husband

My peace is for you to live a life extraordinary


An entry in the 2015 Rivers Award
for Writing on Peace & Harmony

Dedicated to my two daughters

Protect your person
Like I protected your innocence
It cannot be bought with flattery
Nor sold cheaply in a moment

If you like a man
As I did your mother
Bring him to the house
Don’t go someplace else

Stand for peace and justice
As I read to you from the Book
Those who work for peace
They’ll be children of God

Be of service, like the PNG Dames
As I told you about their lives
Theirs are lives extraordinary
Kekedo, Taylor and Kidu

Believe in something
Like I believe in a Designer
Life and all we see
Happen for a reason

Be womanly and honest
As I want you to be
You’ll gain respect for truth
And esteemed beyond your critics

Live an extraordinary life
As I know you will
For I have done my part
And now the world awaits you


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