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Is the crocodile still swimming - or is it drowning?


OUR fingers are still on holiday and unwilling to pick up a biro or engage a keyboard to brainstorm ideas about the vacation.

But it really is time to pick-up from what we left last year.

The passion of writing for the bigger Crocodile Prize in 2016 seems to have gone in vain.

Writers and contributors are kept in suspense and tired of waiting to know when the only literary competition in Papua New Guinea will commence for this year.

The Crocodile Prize has its own program and schedule to execute. Its dates of entry and the closing date need to be broadcast. The dates for the publication of the Anthology, the declaration of winners as well as the award presentation need to be known.

It should have commenced in the last month of last year. In fact it has been delayed for almost a month.

My experience with the Crocodile Prize was that for last year entries commenced on 19 December 2014. But weeks have passed and nothing has appeared in PNG Attitude declaring when the Prize will commence.

The most important thing is that entries for the various categories of writing should have commenced for the 2016 competition. They should already be abundant.

Since the scheduled closing date for the competition falls at the end of June, we only have five months to go.

Several articles written by Keith and Phil were like a warning call. They were even a challenge to individuals and institution in PNG to see literature as a paramount tool for development and civilisation.

Some of the sentiments in the articles conveyed an inferred notion for Papua New Guineans to honour the responsibility entrusted in them to execute the contest in 2016.

We do not want PNG literature to be drowning; we want to see it swimming strongly through the rivers of Papua New Guinea as it has done these past five years.

Keith and Phil undertook a worthy cause to enrich our writers and encourage them to express their views openly without fear or favour.

Most of our writings entered for the Crocodile Prize were well edited and we saw those articles in published books. This was another terrific indication of how significant the Crocodile Prize has been.

What Keith and Phil have done for our nation will remain as a legacy.

The crocodile swam for five years. Is it still swimming today in the waters of Papua New Guinea? Or is it drowning?

Who is responsible to rescue the swimming crocodile and call the Crocodile Prize home?

When will the competition commence?


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Jimmy Awagl

All your views are great indeed.

If I have the heart for literature and find time to write, then despite daily routines and commitments I shall make an attempt to do at least a bit of it to inform the stakeholders what needs to be done.

Simbu Writer's Association set the benchmark in 2015, despite our commitments and family time.

The beast should have remained in Kundiawa but it's too late, it's gone. Today we have to find a solution for the Crocodile to come home.

Remember, prevention is better than cure. The sooner the better.

Ed Brumby

Well said, Emmanuel. Baka and other committee members need active support and assistance, not empty whinges from the sidelines. As you point out, Baka has a highly demanding, and important full-time job plus substantial family commitments and I know he would be very grateful for any assistance and advice that other PNG writers can offer.

Emmanuel Peni

I have been in touch with Baka since arriving from Vanimo last December. Baka has been hampered by the holidays, the lack of committee support and importantly his full time work.

He is the Deputy Registrar of the National and Supreme Courts of Papua New Guinea.

All he needs is people to say: Baka I will drive over and pick this up for you. Baka how you going with the plan. Baka can I be off help, What can I do?

He send chain emails and the response is a bitter zero.

The question should be: How can we gather around him and support him?

Paul Waugla Wii

Jimmy Awagl - That's a really worthwhile enquiry.

Remember our resolution in Kundiawa last year prior to the closure of the Croc Prize event.

Everybody must now contact Baka Bina who, I believe, is trying to find a way out of the present dilemma.

Everyone must work together to find a way forward for the Crocodile Prize. Otherwise, it will retreat into hibernation and be forgotten altogether.

Jimmy Awagl

The entry commencement date has lapsed. The Crocodile Prize attracts more commentators and participants for PNG Attitude but today interest is in limbo.

Jimmy Drekore

My response to Joycelin:

" name is JIMMY DREKORE and Jimmy Awagl, you all have met, has different genes to mine."

Jimmy Drekore

To the 2016 Crocodile Prize Organizing Committee or whoever advised Joycelin Leahy that I wrote the above article with the change of surname. As per Joycelin's email to me (below) need to pull yourselves together.

"I am told that comment in PNG attitude is from you - but the surname is different so if it is not you, then I apologise. I thought you wrote it - and it upset many committee members. Baka and those working hard on sponsors are trying to confirm.Is Jimmy Awagl not you?"

Philip G Kaupa

What's the hiccup?! The Crocodile must Live On.... yell out to us the bloggers', we can discuss solutions to the obstacles or set backs....there is nothing we can not do. Jimmy the Crocodile is at home but still untamed.

Raymond Sigimet

Yes Jimmy, I am also wondering when the Crocodile Prize writing contest will commence. The organisers for the contest this year should at least keep us abreast of any new developments concerning the Prize.

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