Democracy or PNG’s idiocy?
03 April 2016
An entry in the 2016 Crocodile Prize
Like small children
They shout at each other
Finger pointing
And blames shifting
The bullies shout the most
While the timid grouch in silence
The intelligent can’t even make an impact
For they are booed and suppressed
And counter accusations are the order
Policies and legislation
Are bulldozed through
Without proper debate
There is no sound scrutiny
Important questions are not answered
Important issues are not properly debated
Instead ridiculed and evaded
Gagged and ditched
Is it a House of Parliament or kindergarten?
Or buai market?
Is this democracy?
Or PNG’s idiocy?
The recent 4Corners expose of Malaysian Autocracy in action suggests a similar fate to that of Francis' description of PNG: rampant chicanery, moral and financial.
Posted by: `Robin Lillicrapp | 03 April 2016 at 07:46 AM
Francis, if it is any comfort, you have also described the behaviour of the Australian parliament. Maybe democracy is an eroding concept killed off by eroding moral leadership and governance.
Posted by: Murray Bladwell | 03 April 2016 at 06:59 AM
Welcome to Bibliocracy
A vibrant democracy
A rampant hypocrisy
This is the PNG way
Casual religious bigotry
Crippled informal economy
This is all we have today.
Posted by: Michael Dom | 03 April 2016 at 05:26 AM