I am a Papua New Guinean Writer
06 May 2016
An entry in the 2016 Crocodile Prize
I am a writer
I have a sharp mind
My sharp mind will shape my nation
I am a Papua New Guinean
I have a Papua New Guinean mind
My Papua New Guinean mind will shape my country
I am a writer
I have a sharp pen
My sharp mind sharpens my pen
I am a Sepik man
I have a Sepik mind
My Sepik mind sharpens my pen
Writing inspires life in the mind
Writing rejuvenates our spirit
Writing is the creation of new minds
I am a scribe
I have a scribbling book
My sharp pen scribbles on my book
I wrote a script
I have a collection of scripts
My collection of scripts entertains my readers
I am a thinker
I have sharp thoughts
My sharp thoughts fill my book
I am a scribe
I wrote a script
My script fills my book
Young minds of Papua New Guinea
Will feed on our thoughts
Been preserved in writing
I want to write
I want to feed other minds
My sharp thoughts will nurture budding writers
Our thoughts become
Our resources for the nation
Our writings become our legends
Our legends inspire our children
And life goes on
In Papua New Guinea
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