The joy of solitude
28 May 2016
An entry in the 2016 Crocodile Prize
On my face a comforting glow
Excitedly, from the clamorous world I take a bow
Disturbance I cannot allow
At my hideout
I close the doors and lock everything out
It’s just me, myself and I, out and about
Can’t conceal my delight
As I dance around with smiles so bright
And kneel down to thank God with all my might
In my own little fun filled world
Where wondrous things unfold
I let my imagination run wild
I curl up in bed with a book
When hungry, something nice I’ll cook
In my own divine nook
There’s no one to make me mad
Or to feel bad
I’m alone but not sad
It’s not isolation
Nor fear of interruption
But moments of self-connection
The voice of silence is overpowering
Magical powers of silence I find amusing
My days and nights enlightening
So in love with my freedom
There’s no feeling of boredom
Life’s fun in my kingdom
Doing things my own way
In a good, bad or weird way
This is happiness I'd say
Bearing challenges with fortitude
I find endless gratitude
In the golden arms of solitude