The stubborn prime minister
12 June 2016
To the stubborn hearted prime minister
Caged and confined by a fear of losing his glory
Having no common sense over why tears fall
Like rain showering on our Papua New Guinea
Let me speak as true patriot
My heart is tender
Not made of artificial stone
It cries for my country every time
My flesh is comprised of blood and veins
It hurts when cruelty is done to PNG
My zeal for my nation is immense
Unimpressed by fame, prestige or title
My compassion for other Papua New Guineans
Is part of my Melanesian identity
So why are other Papua New Guineans crying?
Why are other Papua New Guineans dying?
Why is another shedding blood?
For who’s good? For my good
Not for Peter O’Neill’s good
There are evil deeds in that office
Cause me to cry
Cause me to hurt
The innocents are suppressed
The students are wounded
A harmless student shedding blood
In the glare of broad daylight
While Peter O’Neill in darker light
Commands his rogue blue flies
To shoot to kill
A Papua New Guinean
Without fear or favour
I shed tears openly
I am not ashamed of my tears
Because our students are bleeding
They are dying
I cry for my people
I call on my country
To uproot a prime minister