Now on sale: The inside story of a tumultuous 10 years
O’Neill should abandon culture of impunity & consider exilium

Youth of PNG does not need a Melanesian mask to hide behind


"I can assure you, a new breed of leadership is being born" – Tanya Zeriga-Alone

LET'S not hold up the Melanesian perspective as a mask to hide behind.

Because behind that mask is the true evil that haunts our Haus Tambaran, which has already desecrated the figureheads representing our forefathers.

Blind Melanesian perspectives.

Today's Papua New Guinean political leaders must realise that trying to hide behind their so-called Melanesian perspectives is no longer a viable excuse for their ineptitude, corruption, deception and disrespect for the law and their people.

These fat and disgusting bastards fear the awakening of a new leadership.

Youth. Not intimidated nor easily fooled by the masked lies that are espoused.

Youth leaders, who hold in contempt the fat payments made to others within their own ranks.

Obviously, the current youth leaders in the universities have not been successfully bribed.

That's why Peter O'Neill has tried to blame 'agitators' for funding the student protests.

How much money does it take to meet under a tree and go for a walk to parliament? Get real, Mr O’Neill.

This Pamuk-Papacy-Niu-Genuine-Bagarapment of Peter Paire O'Neill fears a new leadership which cannot be bribed.

O’Neill and his kind have never before faced such an adversary, not even within their own political bed-mates, sometimes benign and other times bad enemies.

PNG’s corrupt leadership fears the awakening of a stronger national conscience.

That is the underlying reason why police were allowed to shoot protesting students and why dissenting voices are always met with threats of violence.

Poor dumb-fuck police, they don't know any better - except commissioner Baki, he knows full well.

False Melanesian ideology of bigman, money feasts and free-fucks-around-town.

False gods in parliament, standing next to the King James Version bible that sanctified their unholy ascent.

I can assure you, the new breed of leadership is no longer concerned about this so-called 'Melanesian perspective'.

They have accepted the fact that they are born into it.

They have found it corrupted by our elders.

They have decided they are going to change it.

That is the real battle happening on the streets of Port Moresby.

Don't fool yourselves into thinking that it's only about Peter O'Neill's resignation.

That small man is insignificant compared to the real value of Papua New Guinea.


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Gregory Bablis

Thanks for highlighting the sheer insignificance of the man called Petrus. The student's, and other like-minded peoples, stance to uphold the position of the Prime Minister based on moral principles is bigger than any man. All who come to the position must not degrade the integrity of the position the way Petrus has. He has become the prime example of how not to act or run a country and the peoples reaction to his corrupt and immoral ways will serve as a precedence for future PMs to keep them in line.

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