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Crocodile Prize entry deadline set for September

The rough draftQUINTINA NAIME

ENTRY submissions for Papua New Guinea’s highest literary award, the annual Crocodile Prize writing competition, will close on Friday 30 September.

The extension of the deadline by two months is due to the increased interest shown by PNG writers.

The Crocodile Prize for Literature was founded in 2011 to encourage creative and critical writing in PNG.

It attracted over 800 entries last year and 166 were published in the annual anthology, which is distributed to schools across the country.

The organising committee hopes that an extension of the deadline will encourage more Papua New Guinean writers to submit their fine works of literature.

Contestants must enter original written work and illustrations in categories including poetry, short story, women in writing, young writer, writing for children, heritage writing, illustration and journalism.

Outgoing committee chairman Baka Bina said many entries and the recent sponsorship of K5,000 by the Mineral Resource Development Company has fueled interest from all around PNG.

Winners will be awarded prize money and along with the best entries, their work will be published in the annual Crocodile Prize Anthology.

Entry is free and must be emailed to [email protected]

Entries opened in January and winners will be announced in November.


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Arnold Mundua

With all the entries closed any updates on the total number of entries for 2016.

Emmanuel Peni

Thank you Quintina Naime. Yes it is exciting for us too that we can have more literary material from all over PNG.

Just a correction. There is no entry fee.

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