Momis urges B'ville unity as O’Neill government plays hard ball
It is You, O Western Woman

The appearance & disappearance of the Satanic iceman


An entry in the 2016 Crocodile Prize

IN THAT darkest hour of the night, that which human eyes cannot penetrate, it is fear that occupies the heart of the traveller.

At Mainamo village in the Chuave District of Simbu Province, a Christian women’s fellowship group conducted a week-long fast beneath the tall trees that surrounded the huge cemetery.

The women had nightly prayer session at the foot of a limestone cliff overlooking the cemetery. The women stationed themselves in various locations to kneel and pray for hours.

Their aim was to rebuke the domination of evil within the community and stare down its evil ways: sorcery, witchcraft, drugs, alcohol and gambling.

The dedicated mothers became prayer warriors and prayed for four hours each night of the week from 10pm until 2am.

Despite the temptation and distraction of Satan, they prayed to demolish his power in the lives of the community.

On the last night of the week’s intercession with God, the women demanded that Satan appear for them to view in person. They believed it would strengthen their faith to confront his physical form in this spiritual battle.

A woman leader, Mamado, left her home at 9pm for intercession. The weather was threatening and a huge bolt of lightning penetrated the dense fog making the place even more scary.

Mamado tiptoed out of the doorway setting her course for the cemetery.

Then she saw it. A huge snowy iceman appeared in the middle of the road leading to the cemetery. The monster looked in her direction.

“If you are Satan then I will come and touch you,” Mamado said. “Do not run away as I approach you.”

The icy figure gave off steam, which evaporated fiercely from its body blowing into the air like a geyser of melting ice cubes. It was scary but Mamado was not afraid and walked towards it with a determined heart.

With continuous prayer as she walked closer she chanted, “Satan you never defeated God, so now you appeared to tame me but I will come closer to see you.”

Mamado walked closer and the ghostly figure stood firm and stared at her. She was not afraid so she moved closer to confront it. With a final prayer she raised her hands to touch the ice-covered being.

However, her fingers touched nothing and the ghostly figure disappeared. Mamado stood still and peeped through the mist and saw nothing except the other ladies kneeling down and praying.

She went further, to a location beside a grave, and started praying. While praying, she thought to herself that she had defeated evil.

After continuous rain for six hours their intercession ended at 2 am. They slept and then woke up in the dawn and gathered together.

Mamado testified about the ghostly iceman. The women were all amazed and testified on their personal encounter.

They congratulated one another for the wonderful job they had done as devoted and determined Christians having personal intercession with God.

The effort of the women’s fellowship had a great effect on the lives of people in a once evil community.


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