The Untapped Gold Mine
PNG writers in discussions with Australian authors’ body

If You Love Me

Wardley Barry at workWARDLEY D BARRY-IGIVISA

An entry in the 2016 Crocodile Prize

If you love me, tell me.
I shall love you every time.
If you want me, tell me.
I shall kiss you anytime.

But let not the sun shine
To chase away our shadows.
Let what I found be mine,
So my haunt could have a glow.

Let my sweat bear its fruit,
For in each drop there is gold.
Let me rejoice in youth.
The gods care less when I'm old.

Let me hold my head high;
Too long have I bowed in shame.
Let me blaze through the sky;
Guilt has cast on me all blame.

Take back your words, my dear.
I have vowed to silence them.
How empty is my fear,
Yet it's through them that I'm damned.

How my foes have risen!
Hear my enemies rejoice,
When they heard I've fallen
For the magic in your voice.

Bury our past tonight.
Must you resurrect the dead?
Burn it in the firelight.
The dead do not want us glad.

Can you hear my heart scream?
I have been cursed from above.
Give me back all my dreams.
I have never loved in love.

If you love me, tell me.
But kill me not with a lie.
If you want me, tell me.
Let me know before I die.


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Wardley D. Barry-Igivisa

Thanks both of you.

Jack Klomes

Wow, Wardley, love your poems.....

Leo Maso Malala

Very Good. Nicely expressing ones innermost feelings of love in a poetic way. Great, love it

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