A well written & illustrated PNG children’s book
Dear friends, colleagues, countrymen and women….

A year of multitude blessings for Simbu Children Foundation

Digicel Foundation representative presenting vehicle to SCFFRANCIS NII

PATIENCE and perseverance are truly the keys to success in whatever we want to achieve.

This proved true for the Simbu Children Foundation this year when it was smothered with an unprecedented level of support in its charity work serving the sick and disadvantaged children of Simbu.

During its ninth annual fundraising ball last Saturday at the Mt Wilhelm Tourist Hotel, SCF was presented with no less than two motor vehicles.

The first is a brand new Toyota Land Cruiser station wagon fully kitted out with mobile medical facilities worth at K190, 000 by Digicel Foundation.

The second is a Land Rover which was donated by Kennedy Wemin, CEO of Melanesian Trustee Services Limited and long-serving SCF patron.

These donations were icing on the cake following the World of Children Award for Child Advocacy received in New York in October by founding president Jimmy Drekore.

This award is valued at K240,000 a year for three years starting in 2017.

Jimmy broke down in tears each time he was asked to go forward and receive the keys to the vehicles. He was lost for words. The hug and tears said it all for him. The only words that came out of his mouth amidst tears of joy were thank you.

Guests applaud at the SCF ballIt was a moving moment for SCF members and benefactors as, in its 12 years of operation, SCF had been hiring vehicles to carry out its work.

Occasionally, compassionate individuals like Edwin Wem and others loaned vehicles to SCF free of charge when the need arose.

But, when the need arose, many times Jimmy and the team have even toiled on foot with patience and perseverance.

After he regained his composure, Jimmy assured everyone that SCF was now empowered to go out and find sick children instead of only those who could afford the transport cost finding their own way to Kundiawa Hospital.

Jimmy then presented the Toyota vehicle to paediatric ward of the Sir Joseph Nombri Memorial Hospital. Hospital board chairman Fr Kewani, specialist paediatrician Dr Guapo Kiage and other staff went wild with applause as, since the establishment of the hospital in 1994, the children’s ward never had a vehicle of its own.

“This is a proud moment for the hospital and especially us, the paediatric ward and staff,” a proud Dr Kiage said. “Thank you to Jimmy Drekore and SCF.”

The Land Rover is to be kept by Jimmy and will be used by the SCF team on the ground to carry out charity work.

Guest of honour Peter Kuman delivers the keynote addressOther benevolent hearts that night poured in funds: there was a K15,000 donation by Trans Wonderland Transport as the major sponsor of the ball and K5,000 from the president of the PNG Law Society and principal of Kuman Lawyers, Peter Kuman, who was also the guest speaker.

There were other notable donations by individuals and business houses and, in addition, 25 10-person tables were each sold for K4,000.

The master of ceremony was John Kama of Think Tank Quiz. Music was provided by former PNG Kumul captain and regular SCF DJ master Bal Numapo and the resurrected Simbu Rocks, the famous band of the 1970.

The trouble-free celebration continued until daybreak when everybody dispersed.  


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Francis Nii

Bob, there is no systematic road maintenance machination. The MPS are engaging their political supporters to carry out maintence on adhoc basis and the results are neglible and substandard. Until there is an improve in the road maintence program, what you saw up will remain for a long time.

Philip Fitzpatrick

Perhaps a 'leaf' out of the Simbu book Paul.

Jimmy is an unstoppable ball of energy.

A few more of his ilk and they could give the government a good shake up.

Simbus Rule!

Francis Nii

Merry Christmas Robin, Paul and Arnold. Too many things and it slipped my mind but Arnold Mundua is one of those who have benevolently assisted SCF and SWA with his vehicle when the need arose. Thank you, Arnold, you kind support has paid off. Waikai kaima!

Bob Cleland

That's fantastic news Francis. I can understand Jimmy's tears. I was quite emotional myself reading it.

It brought back memories of an enjoyable day with Jimmy driving up the foothills of Mt Wilhelm to the SCF establishment last year.

Be nice if the government would finance some road repairs wouldn't it

Arnold Mundua

Those of us who know Jimmy know the hardships he and SCF went through over the years when it comes to vehicle matters. Thank you Digicel Foundation! Thank you angra Kennedy Wemin.

Paul Oates

I'm reminded of an old saying: 'A mighty oak from a just little acorn grows'.

This is a wonderful reflection on what can be achieved when people get together and work towards achieving something worthwhile. Thank you Francis for your report.

If only others would take a leak out of your book, PNG as a nation would and should move forward.

`Robin Lillicrapp

Great summary, Francis.

Congratulations to all SCF members and supporters.

Merry Christmas to all.

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