Ronny Knight MP lives to fight another day (& fight he will)
Major challenges but PNG makes big strides against malaria

Research for a new novel

I'm working on the research for a new novel, which concerns the Chief Mate (Walter Scott Quinn) aboard the M/V Libby Island, a USMMC seagoing tow tug (196' long) which took part in a secret convoy to Manus Island reaching there in late autumn, 1944. If any of your PNG historians or writers have any recollection  of this convey or the resulting construction projects on the island -- it comprised four large, connected tugs and several caissons and barges -- I would deeply appreciate hearing from them, or from you. Best wishes to you and yours as the world gets more dangerous by the minute.... Sincerely, Richard Sutton

If you can assist Richard with his research,  email him at [email protected]



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