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Electronic voting is needed in PNG - Mathias Kin

Mathias & Ingrid
Mathias Kin with Ingrid Jackson at a viewpoint on the Kundiawa-Gembogl road

JOHNNY BLADES | Radio New Zealand International

KUNDIAWA - A man who stood in Papua New Guinea's recent election says the country needs to establish an electronic voting system.

Mathias Kin, who stood in Chimbu's regional seat, said that for decades governments have paid lip service to introducing such a system.

He said commitment to this system, and its associated national ID plan, had been lacking at the top political level.

After this year's election threw up a host of problems, including electoral roll and ballot box inconsistencies, Mr Kin said the system needs to change.

While he doubts the system would change before the next election in 2022, Mr Kin said steps must be taken.

"What the government really needs to do is... and the opposition and people around, must push for an electronic system."

"At least it will do some good - not everything good, because the bribery will still go on, the pig killings will still go on, the money being thrown around in the village will still go on.

“But at least if the electronic system comes on it will be one person per one vote and I think that's a good idea to go forward to start with," he said.


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Mathias Kin

Mr Wilson my math teacher in Chuave. Yes I remember you well.

Please contact me on my email - [email protected]

Stephen Wilson

How can I contact Mathias Kin? I think I taught him at Chuave High school in 1979 - 1981. Stephen Wilson

Michael Dom

Fire commissioner Patilias and then keep their noses out of Electoral Commission is what the government needs to do.

EC has lost its credibility as an independent statutory body.

Likewise Police, Ombudsman and Judiciary.

Parliament needs to rein in the NEC.

That's what we were hoping a stronger opposition would do.

Jakub Majewski

My initial thought after reading this was that an electronic voting system is impossible to implement in PNG, given the technical difficulties such a system would face in many remote parts of the country.

But then I think to myself: so what? Some parts of the country would have to simply stick to the current system.

But if an electronic system were rolled out in those parts of the country, especially around big cities, where there are no technical difficulties, this would already reduce fraud possibilities for a very, very large segment of the population.

So definitely - even if it couldn't work all across the country for the moment, it's still worthwhile to think about.

William Dunlop

The last time that I traversed that section of the road in the picture was 1970, looks sealed now, Then t'was a morass of greasy mud.

I was returning from Gembogl in a Toyota Landcruiser that had been stolen and ran off the road at the small river bridge near a trade store before Gembogl station.

The thief had been secured in the station lock up. Bernie J Maume was the OIC.

I was accompanied by one of my Admin mechanics, John Pokea, from Manus.

After an arduous day, I adjourned to the Chimbu Club for much-needed refreshments.

Not too long after my good friend Don Lusty arrived in from Sina Sina where he was the headmaster of the school. Don proceeded to offer congratulations on the efforts required in recovering the stolen vehicle.

He had detailed knowledge of what happened all transmitted by Chimbu bush telegraph yodelling. Slante!

Not much of the seal left now, William. Nothing much has change with that road in 50 years - KJ

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