Opinions about aid: public versus aid providers
05 September 2017
TERENCE WOOD & CAMILLA BURKOT | Dev Policy Blog | Edited extracts
Read the full article, together with all links, graphs and citations, here
CANBERRA - Have you ever wondered just how strange the Australian aid community is?
Do we development types think about development issues in the same way as the average Australian does, or are we outliers?
In recent years the Development Policy Centre has been studying the Australian public’s views about aid.
As part of this work, in collaboration with the Campaign for Australian Aid, we placed eight questions in the 2016 Australian Survey of Social Attitudes, a large, representative survey of Australian adults.
As we did this, we also posed the same questions to the Australian aid community via this blog (not a random sample, but our analysis suggests no obvious biases have skewed the results).
We asked both groups about:
whether they think Australia gives too much aid,
why they think Australia should give aid,
which sectors they think aid should be focused on, and
whether they think aid is effective.
We also asked a series of questions on development more broadly, including:
whether they think the lives of poor people in developing countries are improving,
whether they think a wealthy person in Indonesia earns more than a poor worker in Australia, and
the extent to which they think corruption is the cause of poverty in developing countries.
This article compares the responses of the public and Australia’s aid community for a selection of the questions we asked. Responses to all of the questions we asked, and more information about how we conducted the survey, can be found in the report.
We saw the biggest diversion between the public and the Australian aid community’s views on the question of whether Australia gives the right amount of aid or not.
While the 2016 survey findings are more or less in line with prior public opinion surveys, members of the aid community overwhelmingly (and unsurprisingly) believe that Australia does not give enough aid.
We also asked respondents to indicate what they thought the three most important areas (or sectors) of aid spending are.
Respondents were presented with a list of 11 common areas, and asked to indicate which they thought are the first, second, and third most important uses of aid.
While the aid community appeared to have diverse preferences, the public has an affinity for more traditional aid spending areas – foremost disaster relief, and to a lesser extent agriculture, health and education.
This likely reflects a traditional public perception of what constitutes ‘aid’, with a strong focus on humanitarian assistance.
While the public and the aid community are similarly supportive of health, there are striking differences in education, economic development, governance, and women’s empowerment. The very low levels of public support for the latter two is particularly concerning given their importance.
A perennial debate revolves around the question of whether aid works or not.
Members of the aid community are far more likely than members of the public to believe that aid makes a big difference in the lives of the poor, but it is interesting that the majority in both respondent categories take a moderate view, believing that aid improves the lives of people in developing countries, but only a bit.
While the headline findings between the public and aid community are similar, we think it’s likely that the underlying reasons for their views differ.
Members of the public may be influenced by their perceptions of other brakes on development, such as the role of corruption.
By contrast, the aid community’s qualified opinion on the effectiveness of aid may be coloured by its more detailed understanding of how aid works in practice and various constraints (logistical, political, etc.) that may limit aid effectiveness.
Alternatively, the aid community’s perception of aid effectiveness might also be tempered by its greater appreciation of the relatively small volume of aid per capita that flows to developing countries.
We also asked about the relationship between corruption and poverty in developing countries. Corruption is often highlighted by aid critics, who argue that its high prevalence in developing countries means that an aid given is ineffective.
There is evidence from the UK that public attitudes there towards corruption have grown steadily more pessimistic.
Fortunately, the results of the 2016 survey suggest that the Australian public holds a more moderate view. While a significant proportion of the public believe that corruption is the sole or main cause of poverty in developing countries, the plurality believe that corruption is only part of the reason why poor countries remain poor.
Similarly, the majority of aid community respondents believe corruption is part of the cause of poverty, with most of the remainder thinking corruption plays a minor role.
Where does this leave us?
When it comes to beliefs about aid and development, the Australian aid community and the Australian public are not polar opposites.
There are common views and there are also differences which are only differences of degree. And yet, the two groups that we surveyed are not one and the same.
Advocacy arguments cannot safely be assumed to be effective among the general public just because they make sense to us.
Terence Wood is a Research Fellow and Camilla Burkot a Research Officer at the Development Policy Centre. Special thanks to those Devpolicy Blog readers who filled out and shared the link to the aid community survey. Download the full report here.
There is a classic disconnection between the aid givers and the intended receivers.
What the aid recipients want and what they need may well be two different things. Short term handouts could well be like a 'sugar fix' and only create the desire for more.
Long term projects aren't also very desirable if you are currently starving.
The people in so called developed countries paying their taxes that contribute to overseas aid aren't always aware of either what is required or how to deliver what is required. They are too busy trying to survive in their own type of jungle. Mortgage rates, power costs, food and housing not to mention transport, children's education are just a few of the daily concerns. Most don't have time to take an interest in the next door neighbours let alone people in other countries.
So the political leaders make wonderful gestures during Parliamentary debates that assuage their consciences and allow a modicum of information to satisfy those of the public who actually take a fleeting interest in overseas aid. It also allows for useful budgets to organise overseas 'inspection' visits to check on what is happening in countries other than their own.
The veracity of surveys depends on what questions are asked and the target audience. Statistics are always able to be manipulated to suit the intention.
It;s a good thing Philip, we haven't become cynical in our senior years.
Posted by: Paul Oates | 05 September 2017 at 09:49 PM
Under Julie Bishop's watch Australia has now effectively cut out the end beneficiaries of aid and simply given the money to the big business Australian aid contractors and the private companies and politicians in recipient countries.
She does this because she still believes in the discredited neo-liberal view that helping businesses creates 'jobs and growth'.
Surveys like this are interesting but they don't influence governments to change their ways. In reality it doesn't matter what the public thinks because government will ignore their view anyway.
Australian aid needs to be driven by humanitarian ideals, not political ideology.
Posted by: Philip Fitzpatrick | 05 September 2017 at 08:33 AM