The truth about the highlands frontier – I want to tell it my way
An experience on Bam Island - & some historical footnotes

Madang mulls initiating auxiliary policing to combat crime

Bryan Kramer
Bryan Kramer MP


MADANG - Madang was once known as the most beautiful province in Papua New Guinea, with its iconic landmarks such as the Coastwatchers memorial lighthouse and white sandy beaches popular with surfers and divers.

Sadly, this is not the case today because of law and order issues and the drift or rural people to urban areas where they hope – and mostly fail – to find work.

However, the member for Madang, Bryan Kramer MP, has vowed that the town will regain its glory days.

He said that over recent years Madang’s reputation has spiralled downwards due the lack of proper approaches by the provincial government and the province’s leaders.

Mr Kramer believes that investing in more policing in the province is a way forward.

The main objective in boosting policing is to involve communities through community and auxiliary policing.

“We are looking at setting up community policing units with about 10 chosen youths elected by communities, Mr Kramer said.

“These young people will then go through training programs and will receive allowances from the district.”

Mr Kramer added that an awareness campaign at the community level will be initiated to educate individuals and families to report information about of known trouble makers. This information will be evaluated for further action.


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