The picture's story: A memorable moment in PNG-Oz relations
In a world beset by bad people, even charity is suspect

Francis Nii laptop appeal exceeds target in less than 24 hours

Francis H&SThe Francis Nii laptop appeal exceeds its target. Francis will keep on writing

Thanks to readers, Francis Nii – the noted Papua New Guinean author whose home is the isolation ward of Kundiawa Hospital – will now get a new laptop to continue his important contribution to PNG literature and affairs. In less than 24 hours our appeal passed the targeted $1,000 and we’re beside ourselves with gratitude. Contributions exceeding the cost of the computer will be used to purchase books by PNG authors.

 Thanks to Garry Tongs, Ed Brumby, Donna Harvey-Hall, Kerri Worthington, Lindsay Bond, Murray Bladwell, Chris Overland, Phil Fitzpatrick, Keith Jackson, Toowong Rotary Club, Jim Moore, Paul Flanagan, Joe Herman, Bea & Simon Ellis, Stuart, and Bill Woods.

The National Australia Bank was this morning instructed to transmit the funds to Francis, who responded: "Thank you very much. My laptop will be delivered on Monday if I make the payment today which I will do. I will borrow a machine and send a word of thanks over the weekend to PNG Attitude".


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Francis Nii

Thanks so much, I really appreciate the faith you have in my literature and empowering me to carry on writing for PNG.

Given my physical condition, I reIy heavily on two things to do my writing and they are a reliable mobile phone and a PC.

When I have this two, I am complete. The world is in my hand. When one is missing, I am disabled.

Thanks for your prompt action. I will be back in action starting from Tuesday.

Lindsay F Bond

As Phil indicates, with Francis, it's a matter of rites on. Hero man!

Philip Fitzpatrick

As I said to Francis, this isn't some sort of charity on our part, we've got a vested interest in seeing him keep writing. His articles and the views he expresses are an integral part of PNG Attitude. It wouldn't be the same without him.

If you added up all his contributions to PNG Attitude and to the cause of literature in PNG and translated them into monetary terms the cost of a new laptop wouldn't even represent a drop in the bucket.

philip kai morre

I visited him some days ago at the hospital and he showed me the damaged laptop screen and feel helpless to assist him. Francis Nii is an assert to Simbu writers but we have no money to support him. Thanks to those who did the fund raising to buy him a new laptop.

Philip Fitzpatrick

"Our Man in Kundiawa" is very important in the PNG Attitude mix, just as "Our Man in Wabag" is important.

We need to keep him writing.

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