Gunshots, looting after hundreds of police protest over APEC pay
21 November 2018
PORT MORESBY - There were reports of gunshots and looting last night after Papua New Guinean police and other security personnel demanded the payment of allowances they say they are owed for providing security at the APEC leaders’ summit.
The protests began yesterday morning at parliament house, the precincts of which were flooded by many police vehicles and hundreds of police, some armed.
Protesters invaded parliament, causing considerable damage and assaulting staff, throwing one into a fountain.
But tensions escalated during the afternoon and there were disturbing reports of women heading home after work being pulled off PMVs and threatened with knives.
ABC correspondent Natalie Whiting and PNG Attitude contributors told of looting and gunshots in many parts of the city.
Radio New Zealand said earlier in the day that police were demanding to speak with prime minister Peter O’Neill and APEC minister Justin Tkatchencko about the extra allowances they were owed.
“You guys have got money to purchase Maserati cars but we are asking for our allowance, so that’s the situation currently at the moment,” RNZ reported a police officer saying.
Photographs circulated on social media showing damage at parliament including broken glass windows and doors for which PNG police were said to be responsible.
Opposition Madang MP Bryan Kramer’s Facebook page showed hallways and lobbies that had been trashed and an image of startled shadow ministers whose meeting was interrupted.
Last night there were no reports of military involvement in the protest - whether defending government facilities or joining the police rampage.
It was rumoured that some vehicles purchased for APEC had been impounded by protesters including Hilux, Fortuna, Prados, Mahindras and perhaps one or two Maseratis.
One observer said, "This is a serious situation that must be settled quickly by the government."
Dino Naing commented on Twitter, "Police showing us all they are nothing less than thugs, lacking discipline.
"What we care to know is when teachers, health workers and other civil servants getting paid their wages not to mention medical supplies reaching us.
"Allowances are the least of our problems. Shame."
As we know from events that have occurred in the current banking inquiry, the payment of bonuses as an incentive is fraught with danger.
As Arthur commented, unless there was overtime involved why should any state employee get extra money for merely doing what they are employed for.
Feel sorry for the poor gentleman who was thrown into the drink for having the guts to confront the mob.
Give him a medal for his bravery and charge the thugs involved in this melee for riotous behaviour I say.
That mucky pond shown in the photo doesn’t look too healthy.
If I was that gentleman I would be off sick with a sample of the water he ingested then off to the lawyers.
Posted by: Harry Topham | 23 November 2018 at 01:34 PM
When did this happen Sunday or Monday? Double dipping?
I used to see the anomaly of public servants including police claiming pay for working at election time.
They got a camping allowance which is correct for time away from home.
However they claimed pay for working when they were already paid government wages. Is this the same in this APEC rampage or are they just claiming overtime which should surely be just a normal occurrence when worked throughout the year?
Posted by: Arthur Williams | 21 November 2018 at 08:45 PM
Well there is the police commissioner warning the public that the APEC draconian security measures are still applicable, while his rabble of cut price Tonton Macoute run riot - literally. All in all - back to normal.
Posted by: Will Self | 21 November 2018 at 06:48 AM